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News: It is reported that iTunes 9 is compatible with jailbroked iPhones... Now I got an iPhone 3GS. I will be posting something about it...

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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

YuetMod v1.4 for 08.D0

YuetMod v1.7d MP
for V360/L7 with 08.D0 bootloader
YuetMod v1.8 is released. Check it out at this link --> [YuetMod v1.8 for V360/L7].

This post is obsolete.

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

LP description

Motorola P2K cell phones Language Pack description & download
(LP = LangPack = Language Pack = Language Package)

To download LPs for V360 and SLVR L7, check out my collection of LPs.

0001 US English
0002 UK English
0003 US English, Canadian French, American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese
0004 UK English, Standard French, Standard German, Standard Italian
0005 UK English, French, German, Dutch
000A UK English, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek
000B UK English, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish
000C UK English, Estonian, Swedish, Finnish
000D UK English, Lithuanian, Latvian, Russian
000E UK English, Polish, Czech, Slovak
000F UK English, Turkish, Bulgarian, Hungarian
0010 UK English, Serbian, Slovenian, Croatian
0011 UK English, Russian, Romanian, German
0012 UK English, Hebrew, Arabic, Russian
0014 UK English, Chinese Complex
0015 US English, Chinese Simple
0016 US English, Chinese Complex
0017 UK English, French
0018 UK English, Spanish
0019 UK English, Portuguese
001A UK English, Spanish, Portuguese
001B American English, Canadian French, American Spanish
0020 UK English, Turkish, French
0021 UK English, Malasian, Tieng Viet, Thai, Vietnamese, Bahasa
0023 UK English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
0024 UK English, Simplified Chinese, Bahasa
0025 UK English, Magyar, Polski cestina
0027 UK English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish
0028 UK English, Nederlands, German, Italian, Spanish
0029 UK English, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish
002C UK English, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, German, Russian
002D UK English, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Finnish, Polish, Russian
002E UK English, German, Russian, Ukrainian, French, Spanish, Portuguese
002F UK English, Hungarian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian
0030 UK English, Bulgarian, Croatian, Romanian, Serbian, Slovenian, German
0031 UK English, Greek, Romanian, Bulgarian, Italian, German, Russian
0032 UK English, French, Arabic, German, Russian, Spanish, Turkish
0033 UK English, French, Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, Spanish, Turkish
0034 UK English, French, Urdu, Farsi, Arabic, Russian, Spanish
0035 UK English, Swedish, Romanian, Polish, Hungarian, Greek
0036 UK English, Danish, Polish, Russian, Slovak
0037 UK English, German, Dutch, Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Croatian
0038 UK English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Greek
0039 UK English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Turkish, Portuguese
004B UK English, Hindi
004C English, Slovensko, Deutsch, Italiano
004D UK English, Complex Chinese, Simplified Chinese
004F English, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian
0054 British English, Chinese Simple, Thai
0055 British English, Chinese Simple, Greek, Italian, Vietnamese
0056 British English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
0058 British English, Bulgarian, Greek, Romanian
0059 British English, Croatian, German, Slovenian
005A British English, Czech, Hungarian, Slovak
005B British English, Dutch, German, Turkish

Language Package Information (Orange)
0536 British English, Danish, Polish, Russian, Slovak
0539 British English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish

Language Package Information (Telefonica)
0839 British English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish
0856 British English, French, German, Italian, Spanish

Language Package Information (T_Mobile)
0901 American English
0903 American English, American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French
092F British English, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak, Slovenian
0937 British English, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, German, Hungarian, Polish
0939 British English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish
0958 British English, Bulgarian, Greek, Romanian
0959 British English, Croatian, German, Slovenian
095A British English, Czech, Hungarian, Slovak
095B British English, Dutch, German, Turkish

Language Package Information (Vodafone)
032C A(British English, Danish, Finnish, German, Norwegian, Russian, Swedish)
0330 A(British English, Bulgarian, Croatian, German, Romanian, Serbian, Slovenian)
0331 A(British English, Bulgarian, German, Greek, Italian, Romanian, Russian)
0334 A(Arabic, British English, Farsi, French, Russian, Spanish, Urdu)
0335 A(British English, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish)
0339 A(British English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish)

Language Package Information (Rogers_Wireless)
0B03 American English, American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French
0B4E American English, Canadian French, Chinese Simple, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Tips for using Phone Manager

Tips for using Phone Manager
for Motorola P2K mobile phones
Here are several tips that you might not have thought of. I find them very useful. Phone Manager is a Java applications for Motorola P2K mobile phones. You will get it if you flash to YuetMod v1.3 (or above) MP for Motorola V360. Otherwise, google it to find it. It is freeware.

Functions used in PhoneManager:
1. copy = Menu->File->Copy
2. paste = Menu->File->Paste
3. rename = Menu->File->Rename
4. create folder = Menu->File->Create folder
5. mark = Menu->File->Mark

Transfer your java midlets from phone memory to TF card.
1. look at games & apps list and take note on the icon of the midlet that you want to transfer.
2. start PhoneManger and go to the kjava folder on phone memory (/c/mobile/kjava).
3. copy the jar file, by searching for the icon. The jar file has the same number as its icon.
4. paste the jar into /b/mobile/kjava, then quit PhoneManager.
5. go to Games & apps menu and select "install new app", select the game/application to install.

Upload skins without using P2K software.
1. send all your skin files to the TF card via Bluetooth or USB drive.
2. start PhoneManager, go to /c/mobile/skins, then create new folder for the skin. (folder name must be the same as the SKI file name without extension)
3. copy all the skin files in TF card into the new skin folder. Use "mark" function in PhoneManager to select all the files to copy.
4. quit PhoneManager and reboot your phone to see the new skin.

Transfer your java midlets from phone to phone via bluetooth.
(I found that moto handphones can only send, but cannot receive the file, while those SonyErission handhphones can receive.)
1. look at games & apps list and take note on the icon of the midlet that you want to transfer.
2. start PhoneManger and go to the kjava folder on phone memory (/c/mobile/kjava) or TF card (/b/mobile/kjava).
3. copy the jar file, by searching for the icon. The jar file has the same number as its icon.
4. paste the jar into /c/mobile/audio, and rename it to have extension ".mp3", then quit PhoneManager.
5. now you can go into Multimedia-Sound to transfer the file via bluetooth to other phone.
6. at the other phone, reverse the steps and put the jar file into /b/mobile/kjava, then quit PhoneManager.
7. go to Games & apps menu and select "install new app", select the game/application to install.

Change outer LCD image, startup/shutdown animation and sound (For YuetMod v1.6 or higher version only.)
In YuetMod v1.6, outer LCD image is located at /a/mobile/clyuet.gif, startup/shutdown animations are at /a/custwakeup.gif & custgoodbye.gif, while startup/shutdown sounds ar at /a/mobile/audio/Cust_Start~up.mp3 & Power~down.mp3. (In some branded firmwares, Startup/Powerdown sounds can be .mid file and/or located at /c/mobile/audio/)

- change outer LCD image (/a/mobile/clyuet.gif)
1. send your image files to picture folder in phone memory or TF card, via Bluetooth or USB drive.
2. start PhoneManger, go to folder /a/mobile, delete the file clyuet.gif.
3. go to the picture folder on phone memory (/c/mobile/picture) or TF card (/b/mobile/picture).
4. copy the image file which you want to show in outer LCD.
4. go to /a/mobile folder and paste the image file, then rename it to clyuet.gif, then quit PhoneManager.
5. restart your phone to see the change.

- change startup/shutdown animations (/a/custwakeup.gif & custgoodbye.gif)
1. send your gif files to picture folder in phone memory or TF card, via Bluetooth or USB drive.
2. start PhoneManger, go to folder /a, delete the files custwakeup.gif & custgoodbye.gif.
3. go to the picture folder on phone memory (/c/mobile/picture) or TF card (/b/mobile/picture).
4. copy the image files which you want to use for startup/shutdown animations.
4. go to /a folder and paste the image files, then rename them to custwakeup.gif & custgoodbye.gif respectively, then quit PhoneManager.
5. restart your phone to see the change.

- change startup/shutdown sounds (/a/mobile/audio/Cust_Start~up.mp3 & Power~down.mp3)
1. send your gif files to audio folder in phone memory or TF card, via Bluetooth or USB drive.
2. start PhoneManger, go to folder /a, delete the files Cust_Start~up.mp3 & Power~down.mp3.
3. go to the audio folder on phone memory (/c/mobile/audio) or TF card (/b/mobile/audio).
4. copy the audio files which you want to use for startup/shutdown sounds.
4. go to /a folder and paste the audio files, then rename them to Cust_Start~up.mp3 & Power~down.mp3 respectively, then quit PhoneManager.
5. restart your phone to see the change.


If you want to post this article elsewhere, please quote the original author and link to this Blog webpage.

Download Phone Manager.

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

SEEM for PTT setting

New SEEM discovered - PTT setting

Not sure if I am the first one, but I discover these SEEMs myself when making my YuetMod MP.

To enable PTT (Push-To-Talk) setting on V360 (probably work for L7 as well):

SEEM 0032-0001
offset 66 bit 6 set off, and offset 7D bit 1 set on.

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How to flash V360

How to flash Motorola V360/L7 mobile phone

(presume you have already installed the necessary P2k drivers and your V360 can be detected by PST. If not, please read this post about driver installation.)

WARNING: Flashing your phone will erase all your data, so please always backup your data before flashing.
- Just found that you can use P2KTools to backup phonebook/datebook/sms under AT mode. Simply select "switch to AT Mode", then you will see the icons to backup these stuff.
- To backup phonebook/datebook, you can also use iSync on Mac or MPT on PC.
- To backup audio/picture/video, use Moto4lin on Mac or P2KTools on PC to download the files to your computer. Please also backup the /a/websession file.
- To backup the existing firmware on your phone, read [Backup with flashbackup]. For PC only.

1. get the software you need: RSDlite 2.4 or above.
2. download and unzip the MonsterPack (MP) file. You have a .shx file after unzip.

CHECK before flashing:
To make sure you don't flash a wrong MP, You must check the followings before flashing your phone: (ask the MP maker if you are not sure.)
1. make sure the MP won't lock your phone to a particular carrier, if your phone is unlocked.
2. read the description of the MonsterPack very carefully to make sure it is for your phone. You can check the existing bootloader and firmware version of your phone in the bootloader screen. (Do the step #2 below to enter booloader mode.)

1. fully charge the battery.
2. switch off your phone. press and hold # and * keys, then press the red key to power on. The phone will enter booloader screen.
3. start RSDLite.
4. connect your phone to a reliable USB port of your PC with the USB cable.
5. RSDLite should detect your phone.
6. select the MP file in rsdlite, then click "start" to start flashing.
7. wait until rsdlite finish the job. it should show PASS.
8. your phone is now updated to the new MP.

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Convert flashbackup file to SHX

How to convert flashbackup bin file to SHX file
(This guide is updated & simplified on 13 March 2007.)

Here is a simple guide for converting flashbackup 2 bin file to SHX file. It is tested on a Motorola mobile phone V360 with 08.A0 bootloader. It should work for V360/L7 with R4513 firmware. The same concept can be applied for other moto P2K phones.

Familiar with Hex editing and SHXcodec/RandomSHX.

Don't read on if you don't meet the prerequisite.

Tools you need:
1. xvi32 or any other Hex editor.
2. SHXcodec or RandomSHX
3. Flash&backup 3

1. open flash&backup 3, select your "active phone profile" according to your phone model, click "Read data", you will see a list of Code Groups (CG) and their start & end address. The following image shows the addresses for V360/L7 with R4513 firmware. The offsets shown in FB3 are not the actual offsets of the bin file. You must minus off 10000000 from the FB3 offsets to get the offsets of the bin file. That is, strip off the first number from the left. For example, 10920000 in FB3 will be 920000 in the bin file, and 11240000 will be 1240000.

2. open your uncompressed flashbackup bin with Hex Editor and extract each individual code group, based on the above start and end offsets. Save each CG as individual bin file. (If your backup is a compressed format, rename the extention to cab, then uncompress it using winzip/winrar.)

How to extract code group using xvi32:
a) open the flashbackup bin file
b) go to the offset of the start address of the CG, select "Edit - Block mark"
c) go to the offset of the end address of the CG, select "Edit - Block mark" again
d) select "Edit - clipboard - copy"
e) select "File - New"
f) select "Edit - clipboard - paste"
g) save the file
h) repeat steps a)-g) until you extract all the CGs

3. choose one of the following method to compile a SHX file. (Note: you should not include PDS code group in the MP.)

(for 08.A0 bootloader) get a stock moto monsterpack, open it with SHXCodec, then replace all the code groups with the bin files you extracted in step 2, then compile a new SHX file.

(for 08.D0 or other bootloader) get a stock moto monsterpack, extract it using RandomSHX, then replace all the bin files with the bin files you extracted in step 2 (check the address in the lst file to make sure you replace the correct file), then compile a new SHX file using RandomSHX.

4. now you should have a flashable backup file.

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Backup V360 with flashbackup

How to backup V360/L7 with flashbackup

Backup V360/L7 using flashbackup 3
(flashbackup 3 doesn't support backup of PDS (CG6) of V360/L7.)

Follow these steps:
1. select "Read data" tab
2. select "Active phone profile" as "motorola V360" or "motorola L7"
3. select "Backup format" of your choice. (All formats can be restored directly by FB3 except SMG format)
4. select all code groups
5. check "cut empty bytes at the end of code groups"
6. click "Read data" button, the backup takes about 10 minutes.


Get flashbackup 3 at [flashbackup 3].

Backup V360 with 08.A0 bootloader, using flashbackup 2
(this procedure is tested with a V360 with 08.A0 bootloader only)

There are 4 types of backup in flashbackup 2.

1) Bootloader backup
2) PDS backup
3) FULL backup
4) Custom backup (For backup only Flex from V360, set offsets 11240000-11F5FFFF)

(a flex backup can take about 1 hour, while a full backup can take 2-3 hours.)

Follow these steps:
1. select Backup type
2. select phone memory size = 32MB
3. check "disable backup compression ..."
4. at the drop down box Select Loader, select "Select Another"
5. browse to the location of the FlashBackup program file and open RamDld Pack, then select 32MB (08A0).ldr
6. click Create.

flashbackup screenshot

get latest flashbackup from Random's development website.

Some clarification
A full backup consists of many parts, such as bootloader, PDS, and other code groups like Flash, Flex, DRM, LP, DSP and Signature.
FB3 will backup all the above except bootloader & pds. and FB3 can restore the FB3 backup (except for 08.A0 at the moment).
FB2 will be able to make a full backup, including bootloader & pds, for 08.A0 phone. However, FB2 cannot restore the FB2 backup.
Normally we don't touch bootloader & pds zones, so there's no need to restore them. For 08.A0 phone, I suggest you do the followings:
1. use FB3 to backup all code groups (except BL & PDS) in SMG format.
2. use SHXCodec, open a full MP with 08.A0 ramloader, then replace all the code groups with the SMG files from your backup. After that, compile the MP.
3. use RSDLite to flash the MP.

Related post: Convert flashbackup 2 bin file to SHX.

Download flashbackup 2.62:

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How to use iTunes & mototunes

How to use iTunes & mototunes without using any PC software

Note: in YuetMod v1.6, iTunes comes with a "iTunes DB creator" function, so mototunes is no longer required. The new procedure for using iTunes in v1.6 is at [iTune in v1.6].

After flash to YuetMod (v1.1 to v1.5), your V360 handphone will have the following java applications:
1. iTunes
2. mototunes (Mobile mototunes)

You can get the latest mototunes from [mototunes].


(Prepare iTunes playlists database.)
1. use USB/bluetooth to transfer MP3 files to "Audio" folder in TF card of your handphone.
2. start java application "mototunes".
3. select "Build iTunes database", and wait for the process to complete, then reboot your handphone.
4. to start iTunes, press MENU key then 5 key. (or select 5.iTunes in shortcuts menu).

iTunes is very easy to use, so I think I don't need to explain how to use it.

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Friday, June 16, 2006

V360 SEEM 005B-0001 key map

V360/L7 SEEM 005B-0001 key map

I found out the following key map in 005B-0001 for V360/L7 when making the YuetMod 1.2 MP.

Offset | Key value | Key
00-08 | 01-09 | 1-9
09 | 0a | *
0a | 00 | 0
0b | 0b | #
0c | 12 | green key
0d | 11 | red key
0e | 0f | right soft key
0f | 0e | left soft key
10 | 2c | up
11 | 14 | menu
12 | 2d | down
13 | 17 | volume up
14 | 18 | volume down
16 | 2b | voice key
17 | 15 | smart key
1a | 2f | right
1b | 2e | left
1c | 3d | fire
1d | 11 | red key?
1e | 42 | launch menu code in seem 0313_0001. (i.e. browser/video recorder)
1f | 43 | launch menu code in seem 0314_0001. (i.e. message/camera)
1f | 3f | camera
20 | 3e | instant power off?
32 | 32 | BT headset
33 | 33 | Wired headset

(Update on 3 June 2006)
The above is from V360 without PTT key. The following 2 offsets are for V360 with PTT key.
17 | 40 | PTT key
16 | 3F | Camera (not verified by me, provided by ernis at hofo.)
on V3i:
15 | 15 | smart key (not verified by me, provided by bluemoto at hofo.)
(Update on 28/07/2006)
Other functions (key values):
0C = right key
0D = left key
13 = power off only (long press, no power on)
16 = change volume cyclically (0-vibe-1...7-0...)
1b = call New Message menu on dial screen (send to dialed number)


Each offset represents the physical key on your phone. The key values represent the actual function of the keys. This key map shows the original moto key map. To remap it, change the key value will do.

For example, the offset of smart key is 17, the key value of the fire key is 3d. Set the value of offset 17 to 3d will remap smart key to the fire key.

More explanation
For steps of how to edit 0313/0314 SEEMs, read [Hex edit guide - part 3]

If you want to post this article elsewhere, please quote the original author and link to this Blog webpage.

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V360: best configuration for flip-close operation

Best setup for flip-close operation
Version 1

Read another version -> [Version 2]. Version 1 is applied in YuetMod v1.2, v1.3 & v1.4. Version 2 is applied in YuetMod v1.5.

When making my YuetMod 1.2 V360 MP, I found out this possibly the best configuration for flip-close operation version 1. (It should be able to apply for other clam-shell moto P2K phones.)

Originally, changing ring style is the only thing we can do with flip close. With my configuration, you can do many other things with flip close, without sacrificing any existing function of the phone.

What you can do?
1. switch off the phone
2. stop alarm sound
3. stop playing music
4. reject phone call
5. play music & adjust volume
6. enable/disable alarm
7. browse recent calls
8. browse phonebook
9. change personalise setting
10. view storage devices
11. change ring style
12. change usb setting
13. on/off bluetooth
(probably more ...)

1. Map the keys as follows:
browser key = smart key
camera key = voice key
smart key = fire key
voice key = red key
2. Update mma file to put Shortcuts at the 5th item of the first level of the menu.
3. Create shortcuts for those functions that can be shown on the outer LCD.
My shortcuts:
3.recent calls
6.personalize devices
8.loud ring style
9.soft ring style
11.vibrate & ring
12.vibrate then ring
14.USB setting
15.On bluetooth
16.Off bluetooth

How to operate?
1. press the smart key two or three times, depends on whether your phone is in standby mode or not.
2. shortcuts menu is shown on the outer LCD. press volume up/down keys to select the item in the menu, then press smart key. Using the smart key, you can play music, enable/disable alarm, etc. When playing music, volume keys can be used to adjust volume.
3. if you want to go back to select other items, press the voice key, then repeat steps 1 & 2.
4. to stop alarm/reject call/stop playing music, just press the voice key.
5. to power off, press the voice key for a few seconds.
(Note: always press the "Voice Key" to return to home screen before opening the flip, otherwise it may cause the phone to reboot. In sound screen, in order not to stop playing, press the smart key then the voice key will bring you to the home screen.)

How to achieve it?
The best & simplest way is to flash to my YuetMod v1.3 MP.
1. Use P2KMenuEditor to map the keys, or simply Hex edit the 005B-0001 SEEM. Read V360 SEEM 005B-0001 key map for more info
2. Use Hex Editor to update mma file. It is hard to explain how to update. The easiest way is to download my mma file. My mma file will also give you 3x4 icons.

If you want to post this article elsewhere, please quote the original author and link to this Blog webpage.

Download mma_ucp: (rename mma_ucp.bin to mma_ucp, copy it to mma_dcp, then upload the mma_ucp & mma_dcp into /a/mobile/system of your phone. set mma_dcp as system file.)

Get YuetMod MP here:
[YuetMod MP]

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V360 MonsterPack - YuetMod V1.3

YuetMod MonsterPack
change log
YuetMod v1.8 is released. Check it out at this link --> [YuetMod v1.8 for V360/L7].

[more updated screenshots]

This MP will NOT lock your phone to any network. You can flash it no matter your phone is locked or unlocked, but it won't unlock your locked phone.

Neat & distinctive interface, modded to extreme. Innovative flip-close operation. Flash & Play! No other mod is needed.

- Moto (Icons merged/modified from iTigerWB & MacOSXTiger)
- Black (Author unknown, modified & renamed by Yuet)
- BlueStrike (by ZoSo65, modified by Yuet)
- MacOSXPanther (by JamesFX, modified & renamed by Yuet)
- MacOSXTiger (by fearsim, modified & renamed by Yuet)
- Red (V360I stock skin, modified & renamed by Yuet)
- V3Razr (author unknown, modified by Yuet)
- SpideyAB99 (by Augustborn99, modified by Yuet)
(iTigerWB is created by fearsim, MacOSXTiger by PDidee)

Java Applications:
- PhoneManager (File system explorer)
- GlobalTime (Show global time with map)
- JKeyNote (Write text notes & save in phone directory)
- JZipMan (Compress files)
- Dictaphone (Record voice)
- Digital Audio Player
- MatraxBench (Benchmarking tool)
- MOTO-TXT (Text reader)
- motoTunes (Mobile iTunes db builder)
- Opera Mini (Browser)
- FileChanger (change mma_ucp or gain_table file)
- StopWatch
- Student Calculator

Menu Items (v1.6 & above version):
- personalise
- [setting]
-- initial setup -- phone status -- in-call setup -- call forward -- java setting -- [dialing services]
--- security --- car setting --- headset --- voice dial --- fixed dial --- ptt setting
- ringstyle
- [tools]
-- calculator -- browser -- datebook -- [webaccess] -- IM -- mobile qq
--- web shortcuts --- stored pages --- go to url --- history --- browser setup --- web sessions
- shortcuts
- [multimedia]
-- sound -- picture -- camera -- video -- video camera -- java
- [connection]
-- bluetooth -- USB -- sync -- network -- engineering
- alarm clock
- phonebook
- recent calls
- messages

v1.7 main changes: (25/08/2006)
(just a bug fix version for v1.6)
1. incorporate fix for "iTunes DB creator"
2. change video format from mp4 to 3gp
3. enable Protection for java midlets

v1.6 main changes: (17/08/2006)
(A bug found in iTunes DB creator, bug fix is released at [iTunes in YuetMod v1.6].)
(a complete Mac experience. Thank patricio for the ideas! Thank Ugunit89 for the iTunes!)
1. New DRM icons, from PDidee
2. a complete set of Mac icons for skins & DRM
3. mma modified, icon mode in all submenus
4. different preview mode of pictures/phonebook photos for different skins
- Black (two portrait thumbnails)
- BlueStrike (full screen preview)
- MacOSXPanther (two landscape thumbnails)
- MacOSXTiger (one big thumbnail)
- Red (list mode with eight lines, show small icons, name & number)
- V3Razr (three thumbnails)
5. enable changing of outer LCD image (/a/mobile/clyuet.gif), startup/shutdown animation (/a/custwakeup.gif & custgoodbye.gif) and sound (/a/mobile/audio/Cust_Start~up.mp3 & Power~down.mp3), using Phone Manager (Read [Tips using Phone manager] for details.)
6. enable browser splash screen
7. enable USB charging
8. new startup/shutdown animation/sound by PDidee
9. bug fix for Time autoupdate
10. iTunes, with DB creator and multi-language

v1.5 main changes: (21/07/2006)
1. Flip-close operation version 2
- remove "power off" function
- jump to next song using headset button when playing music with sound player
- pause/resume sound playing at home screen when sound player is hidden
- call out with speaker phone
- press voice key = press green key, press & hold voice key = press red key
2. select different menu and gain_table files using java app "FileChanger"
3. much softer startup & shutdown sounds
4. add one 3x3 menu skin (spideyAB99)
5. all skins use big photo of incoming caller
6. minor fixes for skins that can't display time in AM/PM
7. a few more java apps (FileChanger, StopWatch, Student Calculator)
8. exclude LangPack from MonsterPack (It won't change your existing lanaguge any more.)

v1.4 main changes: (28/06/2006)
1. add support for phones with 08.D0 bootloader

v1.3 main changes: (06/06/2006)
(Attend to the details to make it a perfect version!)
1. fix problem with VM Indicator
2. add Engineering
3. better sound
4. more shortcuts
5. add ringtones (music by TangChao)
6. add/enhance skins (remove baby face from skins)
7. add alot of java applications
8. record sound with flip close
9. minor DRM change
10. add Deletion confirmation

v1.2 main changes: (15/05/2006)
1. fixed problem with BlueStrike skin
2. 3x4 icons. Menu modified, compatible with 3x3 skins.
3. fixed problem with GPRS icon
4. Flip-close operation version 1 (access shortcuts with flip close, without sacrificing any existing function.)
5. Instant Messenger (IM) added
6. re-map keys (browser key = smart key, camera key = voice key, smart key = fire key, voice key = red key)
7. changed ringstyle icons & other DRM icons
8. added some ringtones
9. added one skin

v1.1 main changes: (03/05/2006)
1. Volume adjusted
2. Phonebook default picture changed
3. Outer screen picture
4. MP4 playing problem fixed
5. Do not show "GPRS standby" icon
6. iTunes 2.8 black (Menu 5 or shortcut 5)
7. keypad lock (Menu *)
8. Java application Mobile motoTunes added

v1.0 main features: (18/04/2006)
1. ABR Firmware (r4513_g_08.b7.abr)
2. LP0024 (English, Simplified Chinese, Bahasa Melayu)
3. customized DRM & Skin (iTigerWB by fearsim)
4. unlimited video recording
5. quadband
6. PTT enabled
7. reject call / stop Audio / power down / stop alarm with flip close
8. Voice key set to Red key & Brower key set to Voice key
9. MP3 in card can be set as ringtone
10. pictures in card can be set as phonebook image
11. adjusted gain table
12. customized power up/down sounds & animations
13. unlocked websession
14. disabled usb charging
15. fixed phonebook problem with Chinese Language
16. customized SEEM (many options enabled)
17. all Moto ringtones/pictures removed. (backup them if you like them)
18. use java application to record voice
19. Video styles enabled.

If you like this MP, please leave your comments. Enjoy your new V360! To get Language Packs, go to [LP Description].

To check bootloader version, Switch off your phone first, press and hold # and * keys then power on your phone.

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