![]() | How to prepare flash file for V360 with 08.A2 bootloader |
The boot 08.A2 is not so complicated. Just make the idea you have an 08.A0 boot and that's it. You get error when flashing, because most of the shx files (v360) are compiled to work with 08.A0 and 08.D0 bootloaders, but indeed they are compiled with a 08.D0 ramdownloader and bootloader 08.A2 doesn't allow flash with that ramdownloader.
To make any shx (MP/LP/DRM) work with your bootloader you have to recompile the flash file with an 08.A0 ramdownloader. When you are going to flash, open the file with rsd lite and put atention in the right screen of the program, there it says the ramdownloader version of he shx, if says 08.D0, the file will not work for 08.A2 phone, if says 08.A0 it's ok.
Compatibility table between Bootloader and Ramdownloader (v360):
Bootloader 08.A0: You can use ram A0 or D0.
Bootloader 08.A2: You can use A0.
Bootloader 08.D0: You can use D0.
Bootloader 09.02: You can use D0 (If the flash has a firmware without RSA protection will not work)
How to compile any shx to 08.A2 boot?
You will need shxcodec
1) Download the 08.A0 RAMDOWNLOADER.
2) Open the shx with shxcodec and click "split".
3) Then you click in the line which says ramdownloader, and select "replace". Replace it with the 08.A0 ramdownloader you got in step 1.
4) Then compile the shx, you give a name and wait for the file creation.
5) Flash with your new SHX (Just check if says 08.A0 in the rsd lite)
(In the future I will not make seperate flash file for 08.A2 bootloader. Please always follow the steps in this post to convert the 08.D0 flash file to 08.A0.)
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Can you tell if the 08.D0 bootloader is better than the 08.A0???
no, it is not better. I prefer 08.A0.
hi Yuet, I don't know if this is the right place to put my comment, but I made a Lang Pack by myself with SHXCodec, and I use the Ramdownloader from MOTOX when I compiled into SHX (it is a 08.D0 one).
I have a Motorola v360 with bootloader 08.0A and when I try to flash the langpack into my phone with RSD Lite 2.7 I get an Failed flashing process, with the details "Failed flashing process. Phone [0000]: Error sending JUMP command Device API Error. 0xE 00200C7
Address: 0x3FC8010 Command: JUMP (0xE 05 220C7)", and in the bootloader screen I can see:
OK to Program
Transfer Mode
When I try to flash it with P2K Easy Tools 3.9, I get:
"Processing input file:
Processed 2 codegroups
Connecting to phone ...
Connected to: 'Motorola Flash'
Connected OK
Sending RAM loader ...
RAM loader loaded OK
Erase flash...
ERROR: FLASHCMD invalid command response
Error sending ERASE command.
ERROR: Flashing failed"
and the same on the phone's scren.
What do you think about? I cannot flash my phone or just is an incompatibility between RAMDownloaders?
I have to mention that I've tried a month ago a patch to remove the Battery low sound, but it failed remaining only in bootloader screen because I didn't have a full charged battery, and I've repaired my phone by flashing the backup (I've got an error, but the phone is just how it was)
I am waiting for your reply here or at bpfcomp2005@gmail.com
Thanks a lot in advantage
bpfxxlboy, SHXCode is only compatible with 08.A0 bootloader. You need to use RandomSHX to compile SHX for 08.D0.
Read these 2 posts:
1. guide 1
2. guide 2
and look at my LP collection to see if there is the LP you want.
Yuet, thanks for your reply, I've figured out that my 08.0A isn't compatible both 08.D0 and 08.A0 RAMDLDs, it works only with the 08.A0 RAMDownloader ;)
And SHXCodec works with any type of RAMDLDs, I suppose you reffer only when I edit DRM I mush have an 08.A0 SHX flash file :-??... Anyway, I didn't try to edit the DRM, only the LangPack... and I've compiled all with SHXCodec, and after I've flashed the second time (now with the correct 08.A0 RAMDLD), it seems that the first 2 languages (Romanian and English) are in one freaky order...but the rest 7 languages worked ok... what is the problem? iTAP?
Thanks for all! Nice job, really!
as your phone is 08.A0, you should use a 08.A0 ramdownloader in the SHX, and compile it using SHXCodec. 08.D0 ramdownloader is also compatible with 08.A0 phone, but you cannot compile it using SHXCodec. Instead, you can use RandomSHX.
How did you edit the LP? and what do u mean by "in one freaky order".
Yuet, I don't know why you say that with SHXCodec I can't compile anything that has 08.D0 RAMDLD, it should work when I select the RAMDLD... anyway, I did found out that on my own the compiled LP with 08.D0 causes a failed flash process, then I must agree with you..
I made the LP based on a 0031 LangPack, and I've deleted with SHXCodec all languages except one (if I don't leave at least 1,it will give an error when I try to add another LNG), and then I've added the LNGs extracted from other LPs (those provided by Motox, with reflash_MOTOX.shx termination), I saved the resulted CG4.SMG, replaced the RAMDLD that was (it was a 08.D0 one) with the 08.A0 from your site and recompiled all with SHXCodec...(another question: should I use with RandomSHX the RAMDLD extracted from an SHX with 08.D0 like a good 08.D0 RAMDownloader? or I have to ask you for a "clean" one?)...
The "freaky order" that I've told is manifesting only in Romanian and English langs, and it's manifesting like that: when on the display should display: "Introduceti codul PIN:" (English: "Enter SIM PIN:"), the phone displays: "Introduceti noul cod de securitate:") (English: "Enther new security code:"), and all the strings are in another order, for example CANCEL is replaced by something else etc, and the Jun from the date is displayed like "Only emergency":
"26-Jun-07" became "26-Emergency Only-07"..
Is this because all the LNG files had to have exactly the same number of strings? or it's just a bad luck?
Thanks again for all your replies :)
I've decompiled the original MOTOX LP 0031 with RandomSHX, I replaced the binarry LP file with my CG4.SMG and renamed it just like the original (with BIN extension and preserving the name),and recompiled into an SHX.I did correct? SHXCodec recognize it like a good SHX,so it seems like I did all correctly :)
Based on your affirmation that on a phone with the 09.02 bootloader will work a SHX with 08.D0 RAMDLD that MUST contain a SW Upgrader SMG file (CG7), should I think it will also work on a phone with 09.02 BL?
One more thing: how can I get rid of that checksum error from my backup? By trying to recompile the SHX using RandmoSHX (or even SHXCodec,because I have a 08.0A BL phone)? or it's a hex edit stuff to do?
Thanks for replying at all my posts, and I wanna appollogise that I didn't use the correct page for posts but if you want, you can move all of my posts at http://yuetblog.blogspot.com/2007/01/lp-guide-part-2-change-language.html)
Have a nice day!
bpfxxlboy, sorry for late reply. I find it difficult to answer long questions here. Would you mind coming to my forum to discuss? it will be much easier. and you will get much faster response. Hope to see u there.
Hi Please tell me where I can find the original motorola shx. My Phone has a hardware defect and I need to have it replaced so I want to put the original firmware back on it. I didn't backup before applying the MP btw my bootloader is 08.A2. Thanks
Hi guys, I tried to flash my phone, (V360v with R4513_G_08.B7.AFR sw and 08.A2 Bootloader). The flash is displayed as successful but the phone won't boot up afterwards. I tried various methods to try and revive it but nothing helped. I charged my battery using another phone and tried to flash using this MP 08A2_V360_YuetMod3.2_yuetblog.blogspot.com.shx but still nothing. The phone goes into Bootloader and still displays the above SW.
hi there. I have read the article and I guess I only need a shx file to do it all. I already have the shxcodec and the rds. My problem is that the mobile has on it screen the message Boot Loader 08.A0 ... Ok to program, connect usb data cable ... and it's stucked on that message, I can's switch it off, even removing the batt for hours it shows again that message, so I guess that if I pass to the phone the write things (I have no ideas about this) then it could work again. Any help please?
Hi Yuet! Please could you give me some help? My v360 is S/W R4513_G_08.B7.ABR and BL 08.A2. I tried to do exactly what you told, using either Diabolic and Blackout Menace MPs, but, at the end of the flashing process (99%) I got the following message in RSD Lite: "Error flashing subscriber unit. Device API error: 0xE0030008 Command: ADDR (0xE0231008); at the same time RSD freezes and return to life after few minutes. Any hint?
Does anyone have the Itim V360 original Flash (Firmware)?
i deleted java session from my v360's web session and now i cant connect java apps to the internet what will i do?
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