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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Tips for using Phone Manager

Tips for using Phone Manager
for Motorola P2K mobile phones
Here are several tips that you might not have thought of. I find them very useful. Phone Manager is a Java applications for Motorola P2K mobile phones. You will get it if you flash to YuetMod v1.3 (or above) MP for Motorola V360. Otherwise, google it to find it. It is freeware.

Functions used in PhoneManager:
1. copy = Menu->File->Copy
2. paste = Menu->File->Paste
3. rename = Menu->File->Rename
4. create folder = Menu->File->Create folder
5. mark = Menu->File->Mark

Transfer your java midlets from phone memory to TF card.
1. look at games & apps list and take note on the icon of the midlet that you want to transfer.
2. start PhoneManger and go to the kjava folder on phone memory (/c/mobile/kjava).
3. copy the jar file, by searching for the icon. The jar file has the same number as its icon.
4. paste the jar into /b/mobile/kjava, then quit PhoneManager.
5. go to Games & apps menu and select "install new app", select the game/application to install.

Upload skins without using P2K software.
1. send all your skin files to the TF card via Bluetooth or USB drive.
2. start PhoneManager, go to /c/mobile/skins, then create new folder for the skin. (folder name must be the same as the SKI file name without extension)
3. copy all the skin files in TF card into the new skin folder. Use "mark" function in PhoneManager to select all the files to copy.
4. quit PhoneManager and reboot your phone to see the new skin.

Transfer your java midlets from phone to phone via bluetooth.
(I found that moto handphones can only send, but cannot receive the file, while those SonyErission handhphones can receive.)
1. look at games & apps list and take note on the icon of the midlet that you want to transfer.
2. start PhoneManger and go to the kjava folder on phone memory (/c/mobile/kjava) or TF card (/b/mobile/kjava).
3. copy the jar file, by searching for the icon. The jar file has the same number as its icon.
4. paste the jar into /c/mobile/audio, and rename it to have extension ".mp3", then quit PhoneManager.
5. now you can go into Multimedia-Sound to transfer the file via bluetooth to other phone.
6. at the other phone, reverse the steps and put the jar file into /b/mobile/kjava, then quit PhoneManager.
7. go to Games & apps menu and select "install new app", select the game/application to install.

Change outer LCD image, startup/shutdown animation and sound (For YuetMod v1.6 or higher version only.)
In YuetMod v1.6, outer LCD image is located at /a/mobile/clyuet.gif, startup/shutdown animations are at /a/custwakeup.gif & custgoodbye.gif, while startup/shutdown sounds ar at /a/mobile/audio/Cust_Start~up.mp3 & Power~down.mp3. (In some branded firmwares, Startup/Powerdown sounds can be .mid file and/or located at /c/mobile/audio/)

- change outer LCD image (/a/mobile/clyuet.gif)
1. send your image files to picture folder in phone memory or TF card, via Bluetooth or USB drive.
2. start PhoneManger, go to folder /a/mobile, delete the file clyuet.gif.
3. go to the picture folder on phone memory (/c/mobile/picture) or TF card (/b/mobile/picture).
4. copy the image file which you want to show in outer LCD.
4. go to /a/mobile folder and paste the image file, then rename it to clyuet.gif, then quit PhoneManager.
5. restart your phone to see the change.

- change startup/shutdown animations (/a/custwakeup.gif & custgoodbye.gif)
1. send your gif files to picture folder in phone memory or TF card, via Bluetooth or USB drive.
2. start PhoneManger, go to folder /a, delete the files custwakeup.gif & custgoodbye.gif.
3. go to the picture folder on phone memory (/c/mobile/picture) or TF card (/b/mobile/picture).
4. copy the image files which you want to use for startup/shutdown animations.
4. go to /a folder and paste the image files, then rename them to custwakeup.gif & custgoodbye.gif respectively, then quit PhoneManager.
5. restart your phone to see the change.

- change startup/shutdown sounds (/a/mobile/audio/Cust_Start~up.mp3 & Power~down.mp3)
1. send your gif files to audio folder in phone memory or TF card, via Bluetooth or USB drive.
2. start PhoneManger, go to folder /a, delete the files Cust_Start~up.mp3 & Power~down.mp3.
3. go to the audio folder on phone memory (/c/mobile/audio) or TF card (/b/mobile/audio).
4. copy the audio files which you want to use for startup/shutdown sounds.
4. go to /a folder and paste the audio files, then rename them to Cust_Start~up.mp3 & Power~down.mp3 respectively, then quit PhoneManager.
5. restart your phone to see the change.


If you want to post this article elsewhere, please quote the original author and link to this Blog webpage.

Download Phone Manager.

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10:52 AM, December 09, 2006 Anonymous said...

cant install though..invalid file..

7:27 PM, May 24, 2007 Anonymous said...

rw-lite :Hello yuet please Help me i am trying to play videos in iphone exlorer it displays video files with video icons but when i try to opent. it gives error cannot getplayer.So i would like to ask can you add some plugin or some files to play videos with it bcoz i think the video player in it is incomplete.
it will be a great pleasure if we can play videos in fullscreen in that app.

thank you

2:31 PM, May 28, 2007 Yuet said...

I am not sure. I have not tried iphone explorer before.

3:22 AM, May 30, 2007 Anonymous said...

rw-lite: Yuet i Know it shows same video icons in Phoneman too.
So you try add some plugin or some files to play videos in phoneman.
Thank you.

2:28 PM, June 01, 2007 Yuet said...

rw-lite, it is quite difficult to achieve full-screen video on L7/V360.

10:50 PM, August 28, 2007 Unknown said...

Hi yuet!

I can't get the outer LCD pic change done. It seems that I can't overwrite or delete the original image. What can I do? I can't even change the attributes of the file (now it's marked V only on the read).

Please help, and thanks for the lovely mod!

1:52 PM, December 03, 2007 hueyhuey said...

ya i have the same problem, it won't delete or rename the original custgoodbye.gif and the custwakeup.gif files. if it's similar to a computer i think that the file is being used by the phone after it's turned on and it can't be changed until that file is not being loaded. how can we make this work Yuet?

7:53 PM, August 17, 2009 icon manager said...

its a good blog. Web