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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Flasher for Linux/Mac

Flasher for Linux/Mac
for Motorola P2K phones
I would like to introduce this Flasher program for Linux/Mac to you. It is reported working for V360.

Download and details at:

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8:38 PM, February 19, 2007 Anonymous said...

Hello there!

When I saw this last post, I thought that you might give us (v360 users) a solution to this DRM packaging that I saw today on


9:53 PM, February 19, 2007 Yuet said...

Diz, I will put it in next update of my MPs. :-) I was afraid of being sued by Apple.

8:42 AM, February 23, 2007 nyarlathotep said...

I guess this won't back up our phones, but once we back up our phones, will this program suffice for installing your MPs?

An unrelated question, do you know how to make Mac's Address Book sync addresses to a Motorola SLVR L7? I think it'll copy addresses from the phone, but won't update addresses on the phone.

p.s. Its too bad you blog isn't a knowedge base

11:41 AM, February 23, 2007 Yuet said...

jeffrey, that flasher is for flashing only. it can't backup.

Mac's addressbook actually can sync with the phone, either update to or from the phone. Maybe you should check your iSync setting.

What do u mean by knowledge base? how should it be?

4:07 AM, February 24, 2007 nyarlathotep said...

Oops, I was ambiguous: Yes, it'll sync the "address book entries" quite well, meaning numbers & email. But it wont sink the postal addresses.

11:43 PM, February 24, 2007 Yuet said...

iSync can only sync phone number, Fax number or email with motorola phone.

2:43 PM, April 17, 2007 Unknown said...

because of the Mac iSync with Motorola phones, I have to carry my Nokia 770 Linux-based Internet Terminal.

It was a shock to my wife when she had the v3i (stolen 04/08/2007) and syncing her phone book from Nokia 6600. First names are configured as "-" when left blank. She originally configured her phonebook using 1-field on Nokia. Usually First name field, and sometimes Last name field. Once her and I spent an hour fixing her phonebook of over 300 entries, the Motorola never had the sync problem.

I use my iBook G4 to backup via iSync of all Motorola phones in our household. Also, I have a dedicated PIII system running Flash&Backup3 to do the same thing. Web