![]() | What is he talking about? |
===== QUOTE ======
Bom, como os posts referentes a mp do yuet foram perdidos na conversão,
Breve explicação:
YUET é um conhecido do v360 pois começou praticamente na mesma época que eu e sempre teve boas MPS.
Porém pelo fato dele ser chinês, ultimamente sua Mp usa a FLASH AER (CHINESA) a qual:
Possui inumeras vantagens e desvantagens sobre a ABR e a ACR, porém a que devemos ressaltar sempre é:
Após envio da mesma para um celular que não venha AER de série, o mesmo fica travado a ela.
Não podendo voltar jamais, exceto com testpoint.
PORTANTO LEMBREM-SE DISSO ANTES DE ENVIAR QUALQUER MP Não encontrada no nosso site, e se tiver duvidas poste que teremos o prazer de testar.
===== UNQUOTE ======
I tried to translate it with babelfish. If I understand the translation correctly, it seems that he made a racist comment. He said because I am Chinese, I made the sticky AER MP. I can accept criticism, but not racism. It was me who had taught this guy to make his first V360 MP. I am particularly upset by the fact that this comment was made by him.
I also want to clarify that my purpose of making the AER MP is to help those who bricked their phones, which originally had AER firmware. So they can flash back to AER firmware to get a working phone. The AER MP is for AER phone only. I have made it very clear in this post. I have other MPs which are not on AER. YuetMod v1.8 is ABR, v2.0 is B7R and v3.0 is 0FR. None of them is sticky.
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Yuet, this is what I got from Google:
Good, as posts referring mp of yuet had been lost in the conversion, Soon explanation: YUET is one known of v360 therefore practically started at the same time that I and always had good MPS. However for the fact of it to be Chinese, lately its Mp uses FLASH AER (CHINESA) which: It possesss inumeras advantages and disadvantages on the ABR and the ACR, however the one that we must always stand out is: After sending of the same one for a cellular one that it does not come serial AER, the same is stopped it. Not being able to never come back, except with testpoint. THEREFORE THEY REMEMBER THIS BEFORE SENDING ANY Not joined MP in our site, and it will be had you doubt pole that we will have the pleasure to test.
Looks like he says as you're more used to test with a chinese plattform, your MPs tend to be of the AER Flash plattform, which looks (to me as a non-expert) as a chinese Flash Plattform, because what he says.
I am Portuguese so i can translate de text to english. It does not contain any racist comment.
Well, the yuet's mp posts were lost during the conversion,
Brief explanation:
YUET is a well known of v360 because he started at same time as i did and always had good MPS.
But because he is chinese, lately his MP's use FLASH AER (Chinese) wich:
Has advantages and disadventages comparing with ABR and ACR, but wath we should say is:
After sending the flash to a phone that don't have originaly the AER, the phone gets stick on it. It can't be downgraded, except using testpoint.
SO REMEMBER THAT BEFORE SEND ANY MP that isn't in our site, and if you have doubt post so we can test.
My english is a bit rusty, so there's some errors.
Sergio & Mariot,
Thanks for the translation. I still don't understand why he said "because he is Chinese". I don't see any relation between Chinese & AER flash.
Anyway, he misunderstood why I made the AER MP.
the only wrong part i think is that other members in his forum posted your AER MP, which he dislikes and because it might be flashed by some noobs and they'll get stuck to it.
Chinese and AER? there seems to be no relationship with the two. AFAIK, AER came from Euro SLVR. correct me if i'm wrong.
That's why I always request people link to my Blog for downloading my MPs, so they will see all the instructions & warning before downloading.
hey Yuet.. U rock!
I dont think he made racist comment.. He might have thot AER and china must have some link..
Hello yuet, I'm brazilian modder and I can proper translate what he wrote without google language tools or babelfish so you can understand clearly:
===== QUOTE ======
Well, as the posts referring yuet mp were lost during the conversion.
Brief explanation:
Yuet is known by v360 because he began practically at same time like me and always had good MPS.
However the fact he's chinese, lately he's Mp is using FLASH AER (chinese) which:
Have many advantages and disadvantages on ABR and ACR, however what we always have to stand out:
After send itself to a cell phone which didn't came AER bundle, the phone get stuck to it.
Never being able come back, except with testpoint.
THEREFORE, REMEMBER THIS BEFORE SEND ANY MP not found in our website, if you have any question, post it and we'll have the pleasure to reply.
===== UNQUOTE ======
Here's my little explanation:
He's not being racist. He's just saying that the fact you are chinese, you are using AER chinsese flashes in your MPs, which is not popular or compatiple with our v360 phones found in brazil. It was just a advise for newbs to not make their beloved v360 a expensive paperweight.
khalil, thanks. but AER is not a Chinese flash. I made the AER MP to help people with AER phone only.
He was refeering to your MPs http://yuetblog.blogspot.com/2006/10/yuetmod-mps-for-v360l7.html which paperweight our brazilian v360's when trying to remove it or send another flash because our phones don't come with AER bundle. Maybe AER flashes are more popular in asia, I don't know, but no here. Maybe he thought it was a chinese flash because you are chinese =)
I just linked wrong. It was a small confusion people were doing because you put some "YuetMod v1.x... YuetMod v2.x" and people had to them the YuetMod v4.0 as a updated Mp due the "v4.0" and sent it to their v360-not-AER.
khalil, I am sorry if I have caused any confusion, but I think the modders should take the respoinsibility to understand every MP they are going to flash. I have written the warning clearly in the MP's description.
I know it, the problem are the newbs :P I don't call a newb a modder. Thats the point, some don't even know what is a flash and how to send it to their phones, they just take any tutorial in the internet, take a MP and try to flash into their phones. Thats why that guy said that, even if its not 100% correct about AER being a chinese flash, but just advising people who don't understand small details such as bootloaders, flash types and etc to ask for information to people who understand so they won't paperweight their phones. Keep up your good work.
I think Yuet has got the point already, maybe Kaiser has misunderstood a bit what AER flashes are but the master point is that he's only warning noobs to pay a little more attention to the firmwares serials, and in fact he actually flatters Yuet's MPS.
Yuet I have to thank you in the name of v360 AER users, and in the name of others as well. this blog of yours is a world reference for v360 modding.
PS:I rather the graphics in Yuets MP that in Kaiser's MPS (don't tell him I said that!).
Best Regards
Calliopeya, I have forgotten this, and you pick it up. Thanks for your comment and best wishes to you. :-)
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