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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

V360 and iSync on Mac

How to make V360 work with iSync on Mac?
Lastest version of iSync should support V360 natively. However, if you are still using older version of iSync, you may not find V360 in the list of iSync-supported phones, although it can actually work well with V360. There is a way to make iSync recognize V360. What you need to do is to add a key for V360 in iSync's MetaClasses.plist file. The file is located in Contents/Plugins/ApplePhoneConduit.syncdevice/Contents/Plugins/
PhoneModelsSync.phoneplugin/Contents/Resources in the package contents of iSync. To show package contents, Ctrl+Click the iSync icon and select "Show Package Contents". To add the key for V360, simply insert the following text into the file.(Please replace all "[" with "<" and all "]" with ">".)

[string]"Motorola CE, Copyright 2000"+V360[/string]
[string]"Motorola CE, Copyright 2000"+V360[/string]

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8:35 PM, August 30, 2006 Anonymous said...

I thought I had iSync on my mac working but now I can't figure it out. Before upgrading to V1.7MP I used isync to upload all my phonebook entries to my mac now when I try using isync it says it is connecting and the progress bar then says 100% but when I check my phonebook on my V360 nothing was imported back to my phone. I checked the Plist and V360 was in the new isync. I've paired the phone and everything I can think of, any ideas?

10:45 PM, August 30, 2006 Yuet said...

matt, before you try anything. backup your addressbook and ical first. After you do that, I suggest you remove the device from iSync and then add the device again. at the first time you sync the device, select "use computer data to overwrite phone data.".

11:41 PM, August 30, 2006 Anonymous said...

Ok, yeh that seems to work. Also the first time I did it even though I had 53 contacts in the phonebook, it didn't upload the phone numbers just the names so it wouldn't export them back to the phone without the names in there. Also, the phone was called "Motorola Phone" last time now it was" Yuet Phone" or something so had to change. Thanks for the help

11:54 AM, August 31, 2006 Yuet said...

matt, you can change the name in bluetooth setting.

7:36 PM, September 22, 2006 Anonymous said...

Hey Yuet,

Great work man. Your MP1.7d works great on my L7. However using iSync to update the contacts only updates one contact. I tried the eras all data on phone but still the same story.

Any idea how to solver this. Or does the MP 1.7d not support L7 for iSync?? I'm getting the V360 icon in iSync so that could be it.

8:01 PM, September 22, 2006 Anonymous said...

Ok, I think i found the problem.

Somehow in the first sync iSync removed all numbers from my AddressBook then when I tried other options there where no number to sync since I only sync contacts with phone number.

Bummer that I made no backup of my AddressBook. So now have a long list of contacts all without numbers. Web