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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

SEEM for PTT setting

New SEEM discovered - PTT setting

Not sure if I am the first one, but I discover these SEEMs myself when making my YuetMod MP.

To enable PTT (Push-To-Talk) setting on V360 (probably work for L7 as well):

SEEM 0032-0001
offset 66 bit 6 set off, and offset 7D bit 1 set on.

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11:21 PM, August 29, 2006 Anonymous said...

please post an image for correct work in a seem

2:56 PM, August 30, 2006 Yuet said...

firu, I am not sure what image do you want. Please read my [seem edit guide] if you are not sure how to edit seem.

12:16 AM, September 06, 2006 Anonymous said...

ok thanks

1:20 AM, October 25, 2006 Anonymous said...

Weird! I was using a v191 original flex from brasil, with that flex, your ptt settings just work fine for me... but upgrading the firmare for a newest version, the 66 bit and 7d doesn´t work anymore! if u wanna chat about cell phones, java and other things, take my msn.. se ya!

1:34 AM, October 25, 2006 Anonymous said...

Hummm... interesting...
1 - change the firmware, 2 - set ptt on (v191), 3 - master reset, and no ptt anymore! even with the 66 and 7d bits ok... but a reflash and bit change solve the problem...
Questions... I just see the ptt option on and off. How to enable the ptt key (i read your keymap, but i didn´t understand..) pls take me on msn, i wanna know how you discovered the bit settings, i have a pebl u6 and wanna set ptt on two!.. Thanks!

2:37 AM, October 25, 2006 Anonymous said...

Guess who? hehe...

Well... just setted up ptt key with your seem edit map...

But i have the question: How did you discovered the seem on off setting? thanks!

8:35 AM, October 25, 2006 Anonymous said...

To enable PTT setting on V360:

Seem 0032_0001

Offset 7d - bit 1 (set on)
Offset 83 - bit 0 (set on)
Offset 8c - bit 7 (set on)

Restart phone

Tested in my v360


11:19 AM, October 25, 2006 Yuet said...

elege, thanks. it is interesting. maybe the 83 & 8c are set on by default in most of the flex.

leonardo, you can try what elege suggested. to find the seem, I need to have a copy of 0032 seem that has ptt enabled, and another copy with ptt disabled. then I will do try & error on my phone to see which offsets have effect on the function.

11:13 AM, December 18, 2006 Anonymous said...

I did all the above to enable the ptt function on my phone and it kinda worked... I mean, now I have access to the ptt menu and contacts but when I place a call I cannot hear anything and the other part doesn't hear what I say either. Everything is mute! What could it be? Web