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Friday, July 28, 2006

Mac tips

Tips for Mac OS X Tiger

Compress files into zip format
To create a compressed zip file, either Control-click on the selected files and choose "Create Archive", or select the files, then go to the Action menu and choose "Create Archive". It will create a zip file in the current location.

Keyboard shortcut to sleep the mac
Press Command-Option and then hold the Eject button for about 2 seconds.

Keyboard shortcuts for Screen Capture
1. Command-Shift-3: taking a screen capture of the entire screen
2. Command-Shift-4: you can choose which area of the screen you want to capture
3. Control-Command-Shift-3 (or 4): instead of creating a file on your desktop, it copies the capture into the Clipboard, so you can paste it.

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7:58 AM, September 08, 2006 Anonymous said...

... 'cept you don't have to hold the eject key down for 2 seconds. Just hitting it and running off will work just fine for me at least. Your mileage (on new Apple hardware?) may vary. Web