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Wednesday, July 12, 2006


SEEM handbook
for Motorola mobile phone V360/L7
Here I would like put up some useful seem edit. I group them by functions. They are tested on V360, should work on SLVR or some other phones, so use it for other phones at your own risks. If you are not familiar with SEEM edit, please read my SEEM Edit guide.

I will keep updating this post, so come back and check please.

Legend: 1 = set on, 0 = set off

enable PTT setting & PTT key (discovered by Yuet)
SEEM 0032-0001 offset 66 bit 6: (set off)
SEEM 0032-0001 offset 7D bit 1: (set on)
SEEM 0032-0001 offset 83 bit 0: (set on)
SEEM 0032-0001 offset 8c bit 7: (set on)
SEEM 005B-0001 offset 17 (set value to 40 to set smart key = PTT key)

option to switch storage device (discovered by Yuet)
SEEM 0032-0001 offset 9F bit 3:
on = switch to phone memory/memory card directly in list, java apps will be installed in card when "install new apps"
off = press menu key to see "switch storage device" option, will prompt to select storage device when "install new apps"

enable/disable USB charging
SEEM 004a_0001 offset 0207 bit 0: (1 enable, 0 disable)

enable quadband (850/1900 & 900/1800)
SEEM 0025_0001 offset 00 bits 0, 1, and 3 (all set on)
SEEM 0025_0001 offset 00 bit 2 (set off)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 50 bit 0: (set on)

unlimited video (Flash dependent) (Make video recording longer than 1.5 minutes, up to about 30 minutes.)
SEEM 004E_0001 offsets 412, 413, 41E, 41F: (set all values to FF)

video type
SEEM 004a_0001 offset 1D1 (01 = 3gp, 03 = mp4)

enable video styles (B&W/Bluish/Antique/Reddish/Greenish/Negative)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 82 bit 0: (set on)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 81 bit 2: (set on)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 81 bit 3: (set on)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 81 bit 4: (set on)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 81 bit 5: (set on)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 81 bit 6: (set on)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 81 bit 7: (set on)

Operator name
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 40 bit 4: (off = show operator name stored in plmn_text_table.bin, on = show operator name stored in sim card)

Fix problem of showing "cingular" when using "T-mobile" SIM and get rid of the Roam triangle icon
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 4B bit 6 (set on)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 34 bit 3: Roaming triangle icon (set off)

Voice Message Indicator, instead of receiving SMS notification
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 02 bit 1 (set on)

enable autoupdate of Time & Date
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 00 bit 0: (set on)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 55 bit 2: (set on)

enable GPRS auto-attach at power-on
SEEM 010a_0001 offset 00 bit 0: (set on)
SEEM 010a_0001 offset 00 bit 1: (set off)

enable GPRS auto-detach after GPRS session
SEEM 010a_0001 offset 00 bit 0: (set on)
SEEM 010a_0001 offset 00 bit 1: (set on)

Menu items (flash-dependent. require menu code to be in mma file)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 65 bit 1: IM Instant Messenger (1 enable, 0 disable)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 52 bit 6: AIM (1 enable, 0 disable)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 54 bit 2: Mobile QQ (1 enable, 0 disable)

General setting
SMS storage location: SEEM 0032_0001 offset 40 bit 6: (0 = phone, 1 = SIM)
Java splash screen display: SEEM 0032_0001 offset 71 bit 6: (1 on, 0 off)
Swap Softkeys function: SEEM 0032-0001 offset 89 bit 5 (1 on, 0 off)
Dashes in phone number: SEEM 004a_0001 offset 80 (set value to 01 for "no dash", 00 for "with dashes")
Match name in phonebook with caller ID number: SEEM 0032_0001 offset 3E bit 4 (0 = partial match, 1 = exact match)

General option
SMS Setup - Store To: (SIM/Phone): SEEM 0032_0001 offset 9A bit 1: (1 on, 0 off)
Initial Setup - Auto Redial: SEEM 0032_0001 offset 00 bit 2: (1 on, 0 off)
Initial Setup - Battery Save: SEEM 0032_0001 offset 1D bit 6: (1 on, 0 off)
Initial Setup - TTY Setup: SEEM 0032_0001 offset 47 bit 3: (1 on, 0 off)
Initial Setup - Vibe sync: SEEM 0032_0001 offset 68 bit 0: (1 on, 0 off)

enable custome startup/shutdown sound & animation
SEEM 004a_0001 offset 22 (Set value to 01 for custom startup sound stored in /a/mobile/audio/Cust_Start~up.mp3. In some branded firmwares, it can be .mid file or located at /c/mobile/audio/)
SEEM 004a_0001 offset 23 (Set value to 01 for custom startup/shutdown animation stored in seems 0206/0208, usually "/a/custwakeup.gif" and "/a/custgoodbye.gif")
SEEM 004a_0001 offset 24 (Set value to 01 for custom shutdown sound stored in /a/mobile/audio/Power~down.mp3. In some branded firmwares, it can be .mid file or /c/mobile/audio/)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 1D bit 3: Moto Startup Animation (Set off)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 24 bit 3: Custom Startup/shutdown Sound (Set on)

Custom Outer LCD Text
SEEM 004a_001 offset 27: set value to "01".
SEEM 0061_0001 & 0062_0001: store your custom text.
(there must be a hex value of "00" in between each character in 0061/0062 SEEM. At the end of the text, you must put hex values of "00 00" and the rest after "00 00" is filled with hex values of "FF". This requires restart to see the change.)

Custom Outer LCD image
SEEM 004a_001 offset 27: set value to "00".
SEEM 0061_0001 & 0062_0001: store the path to the custom gif file, for example /a/cl.gif
(there must be a hex value of "00" in between each character in 0061/0062 SEEM. At the end of the text, you must put hex values of "00 00" and the rest after "00 00" is filled with hex values of "FF". This requires restart to see the change.)

Recent Calls option
SEEM 0126_0001 offset 03 bit 5: to same number in Dialed Calls (1 = list only most recent call, 0 = list all calls)
SEEM 0126_0001 offset 03 bit 6: from same number in Received Calls (1 = list only most recent call, 0 = list all calls)

Increase number of stored received calls
SEEM 0050_0001 offset 8F
SEEM 0051_0001 offset 8F
(set value to hex value of the number, for example, "32" = 50 numbers; "63" = 99 numbers)

Increase number of stored dialed calls
SEEM 0050_0001 offset 93
SEEM 0051_0001 offset 93
(set value to hex value of the number, for example, "32" = 50 numbers; "63" = 99 numbers)

enable phonebook photo from TF card
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 8C bit 2: (set on)

to what ring style to swap when press & hold # key
SEEM 004a_0001 offset 1ED:
set value to 01 = soft
set value to 02 = vibrate
set value to 03 = vibe then ring
set value to 04 = silent
set value to 05 = vibe&ring

Press & Hold 1 to dial Voicemail number or not?
SEEM 0032 offset 24 bit 2: Press & Hold 1 to Autodial Voice Mail Number (1 on, 0 off)

use the phone without a SIM card
SEEM 004a_0001 offset 4D bit 0: (set off)

enable 300K MMS download limit
SEEM 0032-0001 offset 7F bit 0: (set on)
SEEM 004e-0001 offset 2e1 bit 2: (set on)
SEEM 004e-0001 offset 2e2 bit 4, 5 & 7: (all set on)
SEEM 004f-0001 offset 2e1 bit 2: (set on)
SEEM 004f-0001 offset 2e2 bit 4, 5 & 7: (all set on)

Fix white-balancing problem of second photo
SEEM 0032-0001 offset 6c bit 5: (set on)

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9:00 AM, July 13, 2006 Yuet said...

eclipzx317, that's a very good guide. I got one comment for the section "{Flashing Yuet's MP}". The procedure you provided is for YuetMod v1.4 only. v1.4 is special because it is for 08.D0. v1.3 is actually a fullflash file, so you can actually flash v1.3 at one go. Same as flashing other MP.

12:54 PM, July 13, 2006 Yuet said...

yea I went directly to your guide, didn't pay attention to your questions. Ok, you can add skins as per normal. Nothing special in my MP.

To change service name, you can edit the plmn_text_table.bin file.

To backup contacts, try MPT.

11:53 PM, July 13, 2006 Yuet said...

oh, I never try to use MPT with V360, but it worked with my e398 before. Now I don't use it at all, as I use Mac. I use iSync on Mac to synchronize contacts & datebook. It works like a charm.

10:32 AM, July 14, 2006 Yuet said...

I never use skiman, so don't know how it works. to me, create folder & upload files is the simplest way. I have a way to add skin without using any p2k software. read [PhoneManager tips]

Follow my flashing steps [how to flash v360] to reflash it.

5:09 PM, July 24, 2006 Anonymous said...

I've changed the seem values to FF, as said in the manual, but the length of the video is still limited to 1:30min.
Can anybody help?

6:14 PM, July 24, 2006 Yuet said...

as I said, it is flash-dependent. So far it can only be achieved in ABR or 0FR flash.

1:05 PM, August 01, 2006 Anonymous said...

Just to confirm: the seem to enable/disable USB charging also works for the Moto U6/V6 Pebl

1:23 PM, August 08, 2006 Anonymous said...

Howdy! Thanks for the great post. Did my first seem edit for Quad Band on the V360 with moto4lin on my Mac and it all went swimmingly...Baby steps. What I'd really like to do is get the Wireless Village IM operable on my unbranded V360. I wish to use my AIM account with this phone and see the folder "/a/wvim" for it on Moto4lin, but don't know if there is a seem edit or flash just for the IM software. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks for an outstanding online resource!

2:54 AM, August 09, 2006 Anonymous said...

Noticed one thing after my Quad Band seem edit.

Under ( Settings>Network>Network Setup>Band ) my phone reads:

However, Under ( Settings>Phone Status>Other Information>Technology ) my phone reads:
GSM 900/1800-1900

Just wondering if I'm really getting 850 with this seem edit or if it is just changing the "available network" option. Shouldn't the actual available technology also be changed to use this band? The 850 band will increasingly become more handy for T-Mobile USA users, as they are adding more rural service which operates on this band. As always, thanks for any input and sharing your knowledge.

11:19 AM, August 09, 2006 Yuet said...

brettstar, you should really get 850. test it if you have the chance. The text is Settings>Phone Status>Other Information>Technology is just another seem edit, it is for display only, so you can change the text to anything you like. the seem is 0171.

2:56 AM, August 20, 2006 Anonymous said...

"Custom Outer LCD image
SEEM 004a_001 offset 27: set value to "00".
SEEM 0061_0001 & 0062_0001: store the path to the custom gif file, for example /a/cl.gif
(there must be a hex value of "00" in between each character in 0061/0062 SEEM. At the end of the text, you must put hex values of "00 00" and the rest after "00 00" is filled with hex values of "FF". This requires restart to see the change.)"

I don't understand how to "store the path to the custom file", could you post a screenshot about how to do this?

before i had the external LCD image working once i replaced clyuet.gif, but then i thik i did something on P2Ktools to enable a piece of text... now i disabled the text, and I don't know how to get the image back..

btw this mod is kicking ass

2:12 PM, August 20, 2006 Yuet said...

mike, click to see screenshot. The path is /a/mobile/clyuet.gif in my example. Remember to change both 0061 and 0062.

5:23 AM, August 24, 2006 Anonymous said...

Yuet, concerning carrier name and the plmn_text_table.bin file, I believe there to be problems with the accuracy of the carrier name that is shown on my V360 with your MP (1.6). I am with T-Mobile USA, however I have Cingular as carrier all the time. I have used an unlocked phone with my SIM card before and I am aware that T-Mobile will use the Cingular network at times, but it would always return to T-Mobile for most of my calling area. Now it is Cingular everywhere I go.

I'm wondering, do you do something to the plmn_text_table.bin file that you include with your MP, or is it a standard Motorola V360 file?

Also, after I make the SEEM edit to 'show operator name stored in SIM card', the operator name continues to be Cingular - my card is clearly a T-Mobile card. I'm not sure what the problem is.

Thanks for reading and I hope this information is helpful in solving this problem. Many thanks, b*.

12:18 PM, August 25, 2006 Yuet said...

brettstar, your info helps. it reminds me something. I rememeber the code-carrier mapping table is not correct for t-mo/cingular in some firmwares. I will find out the code later. Ronan told me before.

2:29 PM, August 29, 2006 Anonymous said...

what up yuet, loved the mp a lil struggle because the boot loader file was on a horrible file upload website so i accidently put the v360 boot loader on my slvr them i put the slvr boot loader everything works GREAT! just got a couple of problems such as that roaming triangle wont go away, seem edit? (im a t-mobile usa user) and about the operator name or carries network minds still cingular....

9:35 PM, August 29, 2006 Yuet said...

"roaming triangle wont go away"? did you change any setting?

4:34 AM, August 30, 2006 Anonymous said...

no i havent changed any settings...

5:16 AM, August 30, 2006 Anonymous said...

never mind bro, fixed the cingular to T-mobile and got rid of the Roam Triange
-Roam Triangle Off-
offset 34 - bit 3: Display Roam Triangle Icon (1 on, 0 off) to get rid of the triangle use 0= off

To read network from SIM check SEEM 0032_0001> offset 4B > check bit 6 (1 on, 0 off) 1= read network from sim so mines now T-mobile!!! yeah!!

6:54 AM, August 30, 2006 Anonymous said...


Thanks ALOT for the great MP's! This is the first time I've ever modded a cell phone & after reading your blogs I successfully flashed my new V360! After getting thru the inital fears, I proceeded to flash BOTH my parents V360's....they a very happy to get rid of the ROGERS 'junk' & with the QUAD capability! Could I make a request? Could you post the SEEM for unlocking the backlight colour? I like the blue backlight, but it would be great having a choice of colours to suite my mood;-)....thanks again for all of your work! Ziggypop, from Canada

2:38 PM, August 30, 2006 Yuet said...

Ziggypop, try this.
seem 0032-0001 offset 33 bit 6: Settings > Initial Setup > Backlight > Color (1 on, 0 off)

I am not sure if v360 support changing color of backlight. I tried it before, I got the option, but changing the color seems no effect. Wish you good luck. Let me know if it works or not.

6:10 AM, September 03, 2006 Anonymous said...

yuet, how can I enable personal number on boot? I have installed 1.7a MP. Also I check Personal numbers in phone info menu and there is no number in it. It depends from some seem, I think..

4:00 PM, September 03, 2006 Yuet said...

in my MP, I have enabled showing number on boot. Try put in the number by editing the numbers under phone status -> my tel. numbers.

4:35 PM, September 03, 2006 Anonymous said...

I'm from Vietnam, I 've just downloaded and tried your Yuetmod v1.7, and also tried some SEEM change that you had instructed.
I have a question for you: May I edit SEEM in some way to see the contact's picture when receive messages as when receive a phone call?

8:42 PM, September 03, 2006 Yuet said...

antony, I have not heard any motorola phone has this feature. So far nobody has found such a seem.

9:23 PM, September 03, 2006 Anonymous said...

Hey Yuet! Love your MP it's awesome :)

One thing I noticed is you activated the TTY mode, and it's not there on a stock V360. I was wondering if you could give me the SEEM Values to add that in w/out having to flash the entire phone..

Thanks :)

10:20 PM, September 03, 2006 Yuet said...

Dihce, the seem added in the post.

9:07 PM, September 06, 2006 Anonymous said...


I have Razr V3 and connecting through the USB port. I am using the P2KTools and it works properly, however switching to "AT Mode" it never connects..

Please HELP!!!

10:40 AM, September 07, 2006 Yuet said...

Motassem, I will check & get back to you next week. I am now away from my modding machine.

3:27 AM, September 11, 2006 TyTy said...

Hi there!

Thanks for the MP, I really love it!

I have an unlocked SLVR L7 08.D0 I use with Cingular. I beleive its an Asian type phone. The symbols on the keys kinda give it away... ;-). Anyway, from the time I purchased this phone, it has always showed as roaming when I used it even though I was not roaming. I figured it was because I am not in Asia or something. It was not an issue till I flashed the MP 1.7d. Now my phone prompts me to accept incomming/outgoing calls after I press the answer/send key. It really gets annoying when I have my laptop or bt headset making remote calls cuz I have to physically pick the phone up and acknowledge the roam call with my finger (can you beleive that? LOL). I could not find any settings to turn off that feature of prompting on roam calls. I even edited the SEEM to remove roam triangle, but that did not trick the phone... LOL. It still prompted without the triangle.

Also, My carrier name does not appear on my home screen. I edited the SEEM to read name from SIM and then from the file on the phone and it did not display the carrier name. Its not really important, but thought I would mention it.

I would appreciate any help on fixing the ROAM prompt on calls. THANKS!

10:32 AM, September 11, 2006 Yuet said...

Motassem, I have checked. the AT mode in P2KTools is working fine for me. Which version of p2ktools are you using? Mine is 0.8.6.

tyty, that's a strange problem. did you change any setting? make sure "call guard" in "in-call setup" is off.

4:10 PM, September 11, 2006 Anonymous said...

can this phone be used to record voice only?it would be great to have that recording

4:23 PM, September 11, 2006 Yuet said...

you can use the java app "Dictaphone" to record voice. you can also insert a voice note in a MMS message.

9:22 PM, September 12, 2006 TyTy said...

COOL!!! That was it! Thanks Yuet!

5:34 PM, September 19, 2006 Anonymous said...


how to set picture in memory card as a photocall?

11:58 PM, September 19, 2006 Yuet said...

rudy, I added the seem in the post.

12:31 AM, September 21, 2006 Anonymous said...

hello yuet,

how to read the seem values?


11:01 AM, September 26, 2006 Yuet said...

read my SEEM edit guide please.

10:50 PM, September 29, 2006 Anonymous said...

Hey Yuet, great work! I'm looking for the seem to activate SMS storage (on SIM or on phone mem).
Tnx in advance!

11:33 PM, September 29, 2006 Yuet said...

baby, the seem added under general setting.

3:07 AM, September 30, 2006 Anonymous said...

I've seen that it activate the storage function, but does it activate also the storage menù ?

2:49 PM, October 01, 2006 Yuet said...

look at the one under general option.

2:26 AM, October 15, 2006 Anonymous said...

can you show me how to edit SEEM to set ringtone from TF card? thanks

9:07 AM, October 16, 2006 Anonymous said...

Hi Yuet...thank you for all the cool info and mods...
I have a question about SEEM editing for custom outer LCD text: I can get it to work, but I can only get one line of text to show. Anything after the last word of the first line is erased/ignored. Any suggestions? Thanks for all the help. Keep it up!!!!!

9:11 AM, October 16, 2006 Anonymous said...

Me again, i was also wondering how would u use the SEEMs 0061 and 0062 together. Do u put the same info into 0061 and 0062? Or do you use 0062 if you run out of space in 0061? Thanks!


1:43 PM, October 16, 2006 Yuet said...

antony, you need to flash to a firmware that supports this feature, can't be achieved by just seem edit.

g, only one line is allowed. 0062/0061 store the same text. 0062 is the copy used when you master reset.

3:17 AM, October 17, 2006 Anonymous said...

Yuet, I love your blog. It is the best for modding. Do you (or anyone) have an original 041a_0001.seem for a unbranded V360 you can send me. I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks

1:47 PM, October 17, 2006 Yuet said...

041a? is there such a seem?

10:29 PM, October 17, 2006 Anonymous said...

Yuet, I am not sure if there is a 041a SEEM. Here is what happened. By default when I loaded an edited 0004 SEEM "from file" using P2KSeem, it gave it the name 041a. I did not notice this until the changes I made to 0004 SEEM did not take effect. I went back to P2K an saw the 041a location and assumed there was such a SEEM for the V360. From your experience, please let me know if there is no such SEEM. Otherwise I need assistance in reloading an original 041a SEEM. Thanks for you time and patience.

10:57 PM, October 17, 2006 Yuet said...

I think seem id is only up to 0300. any strange behaviour in your phone now? if not, I don't think you should bother about it.

1:46 AM, October 18, 2006 Anonymous said...

Yuet, I am not seeing any strange behavior. I was being cautious because I don't want to totally damage the phone. Thanks for all of your expertise. I'm glad you are helpful to the newbees.

8:44 PM, October 18, 2006 Anonymous said...

I am using default SW of motorola L7. can I change SEEM to set ringtone from TF card? I have trouble when flashing your MP v1.8, so I use the default SW. I used RSD 2.5 but it still didn't work. can u help me?

9:33 PM, October 18, 2006 Yuet said...

antony, what's your current firmware version? not all firmware supports ringtones from TF card. what trouble do you have when flashing v1.8?

7:52 PM, October 25, 2006 Anonymous said...

I'm now using R4513_G_08.b7.DCR_RB, Boot loader 08.D0, the last one I had is R4513_G_08.xx.DAR_RB, maybe I forgot some characters.

I had used successfully V1.7, but I can't upgrade to V1.8, the error is: "critical error 84" or "80" "40" apearred on the phone screen. I don't know what it means?
but when i flash the default Moto MP, nothing happens. however I really want to set Ringtone from TF card, can you help me? thanks a lot

8:59 PM, October 25, 2006 Yuet said...

antony, your current firmware doesn't support the feature, so you must flash to ABR/ACR to get that feature. You said v1.7 was ok, do you mean you have successfully flashed to ABR before? If yes, why not just keep v1.7?. v1.7 also has ringtons from tf card.

5:36 AM, October 30, 2006 Anonymous said...

hey the mp...was wondering if there was a way to up the text limit or to store them on your tf card? some kind of seem edit or what not... i want to store more than 100 texts if possible

11:13 AM, October 30, 2006 Yuet said...

limited, I think many people are trying to find the solution, but not found yet.

4:54 PM, November 06, 2006 Anonymous said...

hello Yuet I have recently begun modding my v360! I backup everything before I change anything, However using P2ktools i saved seeem 004a_0001 then made the edit for External LCD Image. However my backup is "messed" up.- the original 1st 3 or 4 lines are not what thay are supposed to be - phone works fine but nothing shows on the screen now when flipped open >(
How do I fix the seem back to original? - without original?

8:49 PM, November 06, 2006 Yuet said...

hey, get the 004B_0001 seem, which is the backup of 004A_0001. This time don't mess it up again. :)

3:13 AM, November 08, 2006 Anonymous said...

hi, i'm using p2ktools to try and change the external lcd image on my phone. i've followed your instructions, but i couldn't get it to work that way. i would type in the info exactly as pictured, but if i clicked on anything on the left side, it would alter the right side. then i tried to upload my image by overwriting the default image in the phone, but no luck. my image's dimensions and properties, except size, are identical to the original image. could you help me out. i guess i would say i'm average, at best, with seem editing. but just in case i'm wrong, could you explain it to me as if i was an idiotic beginner? thanks.

10:43 AM, November 08, 2006 Yuet said...

if your phone is already showing an image, you don't need to do seem edit, just replacing the image will do.

if p2ktools has problem, try motokit. Please read my seem edit guide and the hex edit guides. here's table of content.

11:07 AM, November 08, 2006 Anonymous said...

hey, i cant seem to get the quadband to work right. on the 0032 seem, the offset 50 already has bit 0 enabled, so what do i do? or am i looking at the wrong one? thanks for the help.

11:39 AM, November 08, 2006 Anonymous said...

Yuet, i need your help... i used one of your softwares to edit the seem of my v360... and now everything looks weird and i didnt kno i had to save the original seem and i didnt do it so i wanna put da phone as it was ... but i dnt have the seem... do you have it? if u do can u please tell me and send it to me to i would really appreciate it...

8:35 PM, November 08, 2006 Yuet said...

what seem do you need?

8:38 PM, November 08, 2006 Yuet said...

minh, how about the 0025 seem? did you change it accordingly? btw, what phone is it?

8:55 AM, November 09, 2006 Anonymous said...

hey, thanks for answering. i got the first step for the 0025 seem where u enable bits 0,1, and 3. but the bit 2 is already set off. and i have a v360.

8:58 AM, November 09, 2006 Anonymous said...

i need the original seem to get the v360 to its factory settings... like da seem we are supposed to save before we do anything...

11:23 AM, November 09, 2006 Yuet said...

minh, how did you find out it was not working? maybe it is already working. :)

DaNaLeX, do a master reset to get back factory setting.

11:10 AM, November 10, 2006 Anonymous said...

well when i went to network setup and then band, i can choose 850/1900 or 1800.

3:27 PM, November 10, 2006 Yuet said...

minh, if you are sure the seems are correct, maybe there's a seem to enable 900hz, but we don't know this seem yet. Send me the 0025 and 0032 seem files please, so I can try to find it out.

5:31 AM, November 11, 2006 Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
3:06 PM, November 12, 2006 Yuet said...

minh, I got your email. I will look at it when I have time, and let you know when I have any finding.

11:46 PM, November 15, 2006 Anonymous said...

Hey Yuet.. does YuetMod1.8 has vibe sync enabled? I need to know. and if no, how am I going to enabled the option? I heard that vibe sync is important on playing converted I have to seem edit or what? please guide me thoroughly..thank u

10:18 AM, November 16, 2006 Yuet said...

darkcloud, if I am not wrong, YuetMod doesn't enable vibe sync. I remember it will cause problem when playing mp4 video. Anyway, to enable it, look at the seem under general option in seem handbook. If you not sure how to edit seem, read my seem edit guide.

7:51 PM, November 16, 2006 Anonymous said...

what is vibe sync anyway? issit like when u play midi, the vibration follows the rythm? If yes, I want it!lol

12:46 AM, November 18, 2006 Yuet said...

yeah, supposed to be like that, but the vibe sync in V360 doesn't work very well. You can try it.

8:59 AM, November 18, 2006 Anonymous said...

yeah..doesn't work for me. hardly to detect the difference..>.< v360 users, vibe sync don't work!

12:48 PM, November 18, 2006 Anonymous said...

Yuet, issit possible to enable airplane mode in 1.8? pls advice.

8:19 PM, November 18, 2006 Anonymous said...

yeah.. pls tell how to enable airplane mode on 1.x .. I need to play songs or games without simcard..

12:51 AM, November 19, 2006 Yuet said...

No way to enable airplane mode in v1.x yet. but there's a seem to let you use the phone without the simcard. see the last seem in this post.

1:06 AM, November 20, 2006 Anonymous said...

tried that.. but I can't open java or sounds... can't even open camera! too many things restricted to be use when I use my phone without sim..>.<

2:36 AM, November 26, 2006 Anonymous said...

Yuet, since I installed itunes on my unlocked l7 my games only start with sound. Can you help? Greg

11:19 PM, November 29, 2006 Yuet said...

I can't enable airplane mode in v1.x

only start with sound? you can try to set sound to silent in java settings.

11:25 PM, December 09, 2006 Anonymous said...

Yuet, I just purchased an L7 with your mod and I love it! I need help with the custom start up - I have done a "master reset" and the custom startup no longer works but the custom shut down does. All the files seem to be in the correct place. help.


12:37 AM, December 10, 2006 Yuet said...

first of all, I don't recommend master reset.

have you verified the following seem edit?

enable custome startup/shutdown sound & animation
SEEM 004a_0001 offset 22 (Set value to 01 for custom startup sound stored in /a/mobile/audio/Cust_Start~up.mp3. In some branded firmwares, it can be .mid file or located at /c/mobile/audio/)
SEEM 004a_0001 offset 23 (Set value to 01 for custom startup/shutdown animation stored in seems 0206/0208, usually "/a/custwakeup.gif" and "/a/custgoodbye.gif")
SEEM 004a_0001 offset 24 (Set value to 01 for custom shutdown sound stored in /a/mobile/audio/Power~down.mp3. In some branded firmwares, it can be .mid file or /c/mobile/audio/)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 1D bit 3: Moto Startup Animation (Set off)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 24 bit 3: Custom Startup/shutdown Sound (Set on)

10:09 AM, December 11, 2006 Anonymous said...

hey, i was just wondering if there is a way to enable picture styles, similar to the video styles you have above.

12:04 PM, December 11, 2006 Yuet said...

minh, I don't know. :-)

7:20 AM, December 12, 2006 Anonymous said...

hey, one more questio, the PTT key and setting, does it work if u dont have that service with ur carrier? if so, how does it work?

11:17 AM, December 12, 2006 Yuet said...

minh, you must use PTT service provided by carrier.

11:26 AM, December 15, 2006 Anonymous said...

well that makes sense. thanks!

11:14 AM, December 18, 2006 Anonymous said...

I did all the above to enable the ptt function on my phone and it kinda worked... I mean, now I have access to the ptt menu and contacts but when I place a call I cannot hear anything and the other part doesn't hear what I say either. Everything is mute! What could it be?

3:52 PM, December 18, 2006 Yuet said...

Maurício, have you checked with your service provider regarding this problem?

7:13 AM, December 20, 2006 Anonymous said...

Hey yuet i was just wondering if you can change the colour for your camera as you have done with the video camera??

2:11 PM, December 20, 2006 Yuet said...

seanus, no, I don't know.

1:46 AM, December 30, 2006 Anonymous said...

Hi, I have a Moto Razar v3v and i am tryin to flash the booter onto it when it gets to 81% in the Lite program and then says error 80 40 on the device. Any ideas why? Cheers

3:00 PM, December 30, 2006 Yuet said...

What's your current bootloader version? I don't think you can flash the bootloader like that.

4:48 AM, December 31, 2006 Anonymous said...

Do you happen to know any way to fix the camera ? The first picture in ok, but the following are worse. What and where should be changed (through Seem, as I understood). The phone has no MP installed, either.

10:53 AM, December 31, 2006 Yuet said...

shade, what's your firmware version? you say second picture is worse. how bad is it? Flashing to a different firmware may help.

7:09 PM, December 31, 2006 Anonymous said...

I have BootLoader 09.02
SW Version: R4513_G_08.B7.ABR on Vodafone original firmware.
The first picture I take is fine but the following are worse (white-balancing problem I guess). The only way to repair this besides installing an MP is to take a picture then closing camera then switching back to it taking another picture and so on. Someone told me that this can be fixed through a SeemEdit but he doesn't know which one is it, I thought you know.
So besides installing an MP or updating the firmware there is no way to fix this ?
Thanks in advance!

1:26 AM, January 01, 2007 Yuet said...

shade, the seem added in my seem handbook. check it out.

6:43 AM, January 01, 2007 Anonymous said...

I notice it!
Thank you very much man ;-)

12:25 PM, January 13, 2007 Anonymous said...

yuet, can you tell me why after i did the quad band edit the phone keeps restarting every three minutes and when you go to network to find the bands it operating on all it says is automatic THANKS

12:42 PM, January 13, 2007 Yuet said...

mike, what's ur phone? are u sure you didn't edit the wrong seem? have you backup the seem before editing?

12:57 PM, January 13, 2007 Anonymous said...

it is the v360 made in germany i did the seem edit exactly as in your guide.and didnt back it up big mistake isnt apears to now have the quad band as the signal is stronger but is keeps going blank and restarting did i mess up the phone THANKS

6:58 PM, January 13, 2007 Yuet said...

mike, we should always backup & test each seem edit one by one. It is difficult for me to find out what went wrong in your phone. If the p2ktools can still detect your phone, please verify the 0025 & 0032 seem again. If you really can't figure it out, you may need to flash your phone with a MonsterPack.

6:56 AM, January 15, 2007 Anonymous said...

yuet witch Mp should i use my firmware is (r4513_g_08.b7.56r_a) not sure wich one of your Mp" s i should use thanks for your help

9:38 AM, January 15, 2007 Yuet said...

Mike, try YuetMod v1.8.

3:56 AM, January 16, 2007 Anonymous said...

does a master reset undo seem edits and/or skin additions?

9:32 PM, January 16, 2007 Yuet said...

minh, master reset will undo seem edit, while master clear will remove all non-system files, including added skins, unless you set them as system files.

2:09 PM, January 17, 2007 Anonymous said...

Hi, Yuet!

I have two questions, both related to the same problem: I purchased a L7 phone for my brother, which was manufactured on Asia and came with firmware R4513_G_08.B7.DBR_RB, and langpack 0015. I flashed to langpack 0039, but now every sms from senders on my phonebook won't show as their name, but only their phone number (sender's number). I realized that contact categories were shown as colored squares instead of normal alfanumeric names (wonder they contain chinesse chars on the name value). I could delete all the categories but one (which seemed to be factory locked or something. I tried to flash the phone with AER firmware from my own phone (manufactured on America), but it failed, so I flashed back to DBR. I was wondering if I can solve the invalid categories names by editing SEEM on the phone (if so, which one I need to change, and how would I do that?). On the other hand, would your v1.8 monsterpack for L7 solve this problem?

Any advise is highly appreciated!

4:03 PM, January 17, 2007 Yuet said...

james, let me answer the easy question first. YuetMod v1.8 will solve these problems for you.

To resolve caller name problem, there's a seem edit. look for it under general setting in this post. just added.

for phonebook category problem, it is difficult to change. suggest you just flash to a MP.

5:14 AM, January 18, 2007 Anonymous said...

I recently bought a V360v (Vodafone model) and attempted to modify the video length as shown in the "unlimited video section" using Pktools. Pktools can load SEEM 0032_0001 but it will not load 004E_0001 which needs the offsets to be set to FF. I have S/W version R4513_G_08.B7.ABR Can someone tell me what I need to do to load SEEM 004E_001 or is this not possible with my firmware version? Thanks in advance.

11:35 AM, January 18, 2007 Yuet said...

janaka, try using MotoKit to edit the seem.

4:36 AM, January 19, 2007 Anonymous said...

Where can I get Dictaphone and other Java applets for V360v? Thanks in advance.

1:08 AM, January 20, 2007 Yuet said...

click here to get the java apps.

8:48 AM, January 23, 2007 Anonymous said...

hey yuet, i just recived a new v360 due to "technical" issues with my old one and i tried to re-load the same seems i had from the previous ones. everything seemed the same except the video length. i have the "video length" setting but when i switch it to maximum, it seems it still reads as if it were on MMS because the length stays very short. any ideas?

10:30 AM, January 23, 2007 Yuet said...

minh, what's the new firmware on your phone now? not all firmware support unlimited video recording. for example, 58R or 2ER won't support unlimited video.

5:33 AM, January 24, 2007 Anonymous said...

how do i find out which firmware i have? and if i cant get unlimited video, does that mean i cant get extended video either?

9:49 AM, January 24, 2007 Anonymous said...

ok so my firmware is R4513_G_08.B7.B7R

can that one get unlimited video? and if not, can i get an extended video length? or am i stuck with the 20-30 seconds?


6:47 PM, January 24, 2007 Yuet said...

minh, B7R should have unlimited video, if I am not wrong. did you follow my seem handbook?

5:44 AM, January 25, 2007 Anonymous said...

yes, but i dont know if i was successful because there was no change. do u mind atking a look at my seem for me?

10:49 AM, January 25, 2007 Yuet said...

sure, send the seem file to me.

11:04 AM, January 25, 2007 Anonymous said...

ok, i sent it to your gmail acount. thanks in advanced.

12:22 PM, January 25, 2007 Anonymous said...

I just installed Dictaphone java app on V360. It records ok. But how can I play back the recorded files? It seems to put them in: /a/mobile/audio/filename.amr

What is this location?
I can not find the files on the phone memory or in MicroSD card. Thanks.

11:59 PM, January 25, 2007 Yuet said...

I think you can set up the location in dictaphone's setting.

12:59 AM, January 28, 2007 Anonymous said...


so i got the unlimted video to work by just re-loading the seem. i guess it just magically decided to work this time. however, i have discovered that my shortcut keys dont seem to work. when i got to tools->shortcuts, nothign happens and it freezes my phone until i press the END button. also, when i try to set up a shortcut, it gives me the next shortcut key as number 225. so i change that to the number i want and hit done. but when i try to use the shortcut key, it says "shortcut not found" do u know how i can fix this?


11:30 AM, January 28, 2007 Yuet said...

minh, I think maybe the last time you've overwritten a wrong seem id when uploading the seem. seems to me you have mess up the shortcuts seems (0002-0001, 0002-0002, ... etc). check these seems to see if anything abnormal. you can try to set all offsets in seem 0002-0001 to "FF".

11:23 PM, January 28, 2007 Anonymous said...

ok, so that was the probelm. turns out, the send key for text messaging was messed up too. and that would have be terrible. but all is good now, with unlimited video, so im done modding for now. thanks!

1:06 PM, January 30, 2007 Anonymous said...

Can anyone give a list of the firmware versions that *do* support unimited video?


3:08 PM, January 30, 2007 Anonymous said...

Hi Yeut,I have v360 phone which has Automatic,850/1900 and 1800 bands.i need 900 band.i tried to change it to quadra band using seem 0032_0001 which i have in my mobile.but i couldn't succeed in doing so.Can u help me out?
Thanks in Advance.

10:34 PM, January 30, 2007 Yuet said...

"unlimited video" = record about 30 minutes video. (nothing really has no limit.) so far I find ABR/ACR/B7R/0FR can support it.

lakshman, look at the part "enable quadband" in this post. you have to also edit seem 0025.

6:05 AM, January 31, 2007 Anonymous said...

Ok. I have ABR firmware. I changed the specified offsets using XVI32 and loaded saved file to the phone using Motokit build 1259.

Video is still only 30 secs.

2:06 PM, January 31, 2007 Yuet said...

first make sure you edit the seem correctly. second, check setting "video setup"-"video length". it should be "maximum".

8:55 PM, January 31, 2007 Anonymous said...

Yuet, i don't have 0025_0001 seem in my mobile.when i try to load 0025_0001 seem from my mobile, it just loads a empty file. Now with the changes done to 0032_0001 seem, my mobile displays only Automatic in network doesn't display 850/1900 and 1800 which it used to display earlier.Mine is T-Mobile(US)phone.if u want i can send the seem files.
sorry yeut, its me lakshman again.motorola v360. i forgot to mention my name and model which will help in understanding my problem with this continuation question to my previous one. once agian thanks in advance. Lakshman

11:02 PM, January 31, 2007 Yuet said...

lakshman, there must be 0025-0001 seem. this seem has only one byte. Try to open it using Motokit.

2:06 AM, February 01, 2007 Anonymous said...

I double checked the edits and set the video length to "maximum". That put me up to 42 sec.

4:01 AM, February 01, 2007 Anonymous said...

hello my name is Vasi i have a big problem i have a motorola v360 with bootloader 09.02 i try to backup doesmt work i try to flash the same. my soft is R4513_G_08.B7.ABR. WHAT CAN I DO?

5:14 PM, February 01, 2007 Anonymous said...

Hi Yuet, this is lakshman.i downloaded Motokit and tried to edit the 0025_0001 seem and save the same to mobile. even though i edited the bit 0,1,2 and 3 and saved the same, i couldn't get the same when i retriev the same seem again. only first(1) bit is being set. And more over as i said earlier now my mobile displays ony Automatic in network band and i am not even able to detect single network. it used to detect one network(Hutch of India) earlier.Now my mobile became a junk. even though after replacing the original seem files, i am not able to get back to the original settings. i even did a Master Reset to get back to the original settings, but still couldn't succeed. i am sending u the original seem files to ur mail id. it would be grt if u can help me out by modifying the seems. i even used XVI32. Thanks and Regards, Lakshman

10:37 PM, February 01, 2007 Yuet said...

anonymous, I don't have any other idea why u can't get 30-minute video recording. Do you record to memory card or phone memory?

Vasi, you can try my MPs, they all support 09.02 bootloader.

Lakshman, I have sent u my 0025_0001 seem.

10:56 PM, February 01, 2007 Anonymous said...

Hi Yuet, Thanks a lot. It worked. Now my mobile displays Automatic, 850/1900 and 900/1800 in the Network menu and also detects the networks of 900(which it didn't used to).Once again thanks for the help.

11:38 AM, February 05, 2007 Anonymous said...

Hey Yuet, i just tried changing a seem in my V360v....(didnt work) but now all my Vodafone internet profiles have disappeared...the thing is i have all the correct seetings from vodafone i just have no way to apply them to the phone as when i go to internet profiles there is just a blank screen with an "exit" option....there is no "new" option or anything similair.....
any help would be appreciated

3:44 PM, February 05, 2007 Yuet said...

kitty, try to restore the seem if you can remember what have you changed. if not, try to upload the websession file. see if you can find the websession file for your carrier at this post.

11:12 PM, February 06, 2007 Anonymous said...

hi Yuet
i uploaded seem i my phone (the seem file that i downloaded from tour itunes post). i uploaded with p2k tools and clicked "save to phone'. Now my phone doesn,t work.- eg. Do not open the camera.
What should i do, should i upload an original seem to my phone, if i should please geve me a link to download it.


10:29 AM, February 08, 2007 Yuet said...

STRATUS, you must have overwritten the wrong seem 0032-0001. you should upload to 0002-0001. send me an email, then I can send the seem back to u.

3:21 PM, February 12, 2007 Anonymous said...

hi yuet can u send me the seem edits for the image styles? i really want that function... please... hope u can reply to me!! and tnx a lot!! ur really great here is my email address..!! tnx again!!

4:10 PM, February 14, 2007 Yuet said...

the "image styles" feature is flash-dependent. Anyway, I will update the handbook to include it later.

7:40 PM, February 14, 2007 Anonymous said...

hello friends i wish i could watch full-screen photo on my slvr l7
does anyone have any software or seem changes for these
i think yuet can do this im waiting for these realese

10:17 PM, March 07, 2007 Jacques said...

Hi Yuet. I can you maybe tell me how to change the message letter counter so that it counts upwards, from 1 on, and not backwards. And also to let the phone show on the screen from which tower it is at that moment. My other phone show something like Vodacom Cape Town, or Johannesburg. Then I saw something else on my phone today. I saw a E sign at the top with a green bar and red bar underneath it. It was only there for 1 minute, and then gone again. Is this showing that I'm in a edge(2.5G) coverage area? My phone is flashed with your monsterpack v 1.8.

1:39 PM, March 10, 2007 Anonymous said...

please... i messed up my V360v... if someone have the original seem 0032_0001 and 0002_0005, please send to my email:


12:35 AM, March 12, 2007 Yuet said...

jacqvt, that's the edge icon. to show cell info, there's a setting in the "engineering mode".

5:30 AM, March 12, 2007 Jacques said...

Thanks Yuet. I checked there, but I'm not clever with this stuff. I dont see any setting there, the nearest which I think it may be, is the "cell sticker". Is it there where I must set it on? And if so, what is the code that I must put in there?I tried your "tips for engineering mode", but there's nothing. And the message counting that I also asked, do you maybe have a answer for me? Thanks a lot

9:40 AM, March 12, 2007 Yuet said...

I haven't tried it myself, so I can't give detail steps. Have u tried the cell change warning setting?

4:23 PM, March 12, 2007 Jacques said...

Yes, I've tried, but it doesn't work. My next question isn't at the right place now, but can you tell me what version of flashbackup I must use to backup someone elses' phone. And will it work if I backup the original v360 software from such a phone, and flash my phone with it? I dont think this seem editing is good for me, I dont understand it that well. I tried it yesterday, but now my quick notes are gone, it was under messaging, but now it's gone, and the date also doesn't show anymore on the screen. So I think I'll try flashing it with original software. Maybe it works. Or if you know of somewhere where I can get more detailed step by step guides on how to do it. I tried yours, but I dont get it right. sometimes I search for the particular seem, then it's not on the phone, etc. Sorry for all the many questions.

2:46 PM, March 15, 2007 Anonymous said...

I have AER v4.0 on my phone. I have tried the following seem edits but they are not working. I even tried using XVI32, to no avail. Is there any magic I need to do?

Dashes in phone number: SEEM 004a_0001 offset 80 (set value to 01 for "no dash", 00 for "with dashes")
Match name in phonebook with caller ID number: SEEM 0032_0001 offset 3E bit 4 (0 = partial match, 1 = exact match)

so when I get a caller ID coming without the country code and I stored that using with the country code, it does not get recognised.


Albert (SLVR L7)

11:25 PM, March 15, 2007 Yuet said...

jacqvt, you can use fb3 to backup others' firmware. If the phone models are same, you can flash it to your phone, but bear in mind don't flash to AER or E0R firmware. Instead of backup from other phone, you can download a moto stock firmware. about seem edit, you can ask if you don't understand the guide.

Albert, how do you store the number with country code? do you put a "+" in front of it? You have set that bit to 0, right?

8:54 AM, April 02, 2007 PHWhite said...

Is there a SEEM edit to increase the number of text messages that can be stored before getting phone message that says out of memory? Right now the maximum is about 50 inbox and 50 outbox messages. Previous phones could store a lot more than that. Thanks.

9:59 AM, April 02, 2007 Yuet said...

we are still searching for such a seem.

2:51 PM, April 02, 2007 PHWhite said...

I tried to do the quad band SEEM edit on a T-Mobile V360 and now it has no bands at all. Phone turns on etc. but won't make or receive calls. I used P2K Tools from and made backups of the SEEMs before modifying them but restoring has not fixed the problem. Suspect P2K Tools messed up something. Boot Loader 08.A0 Flex GSTV360TMB01NA104 S/W R4513_G_08.B7.86R. Any advice would be appreciated.

11:50 PM, April 02, 2007 Yuet said...

hi, you might have modified a wrong seem. or p2k tool has messed up the seem. try using motokit to do the seem edit again.

4:44 AM, April 03, 2007 PHWhite said...

Thanks. Unable to find a copy of Motokit that can connect to my V360. I have another T-Mobile V360 with the same Boot Loader & S/W but with GSTV360TMB01NA0C3 flex instead of GSTV360TMB01NA104. Would it likely work to backup the flex from the working V360 and restore it to the broken V360? I did not backup the flex on the V360 that is now broken.

9:38 AM, April 03, 2007 Yuet said...

yes, it should work if the S/W version is same.

5:10 AM, April 22, 2007 Jacques said...

Hi yuet, I'm back and wanna try some seem edits. First I want the iTap on my phone completely gone, I dont use it, and it irritates me. Secondly, I want the operator name displayed, and the date, and the tower from which I get my reception from. The Broadcast settings doesn't work for this. Thanks a lot.

3:00 PM, April 23, 2007 Yuet said...

jacqvt, you can delete iTap from your LP using this software. Extract Langpack using SHXCodec, start the program, choose the langpack codegroup CG4 and delete the iTap from the languages. Compile the langpack with SHXCodec and flash it.

2:18 AM, April 29, 2007 Anonymous said...

Hi Yuet, do you happen to have heard about a seem that changes the speakerphone from half- to full-duplex? I'm asking this because the L7i is provided with such a speakerphone, and it doesn't look so different hardwarewise...

6:38 PM, April 29, 2007 Yuet said...

this is all I got:
SEEM 00a2_0001

**all offsets are HEX**

offset 00 - bit 5: disable AMR Half Rate (1 on, 0 off) (bit 6 must be off)
bit 6: enable AMR Half Rate (1 on, 0 off) (bit 5 must be off)

offset 01 - bit 5: disable AMR Full Rate (1 on, 0 off) (bit 6 must be off)
bit 6: enable AMR Full Rate (1 on, 0 off) (bit 5 must be off)

How to tell what audio codec your phone is using:
While in a call, enter field test mode and in the Serving CS/TB screen, look on the bottom line beside "coder."
The first part of that string of letters is the part you're looking for.
AFS = AMR Full Rate
AH0 = AMR Half Rate
AH1 = AMR Half Rate
EFR = Enhanced Full Rate
FR = Full Rate

11:53 PM, April 29, 2007 Anonymous said...

Um, I guess the speakerphone can hardly be modified, but now I've learnt some pretty interesting stuff about Field test mode and its use. Thanks.

10:02 AM, May 01, 2007 Anonymous said...

Hi, thanks for your seem guide. It´s very nice. Pls i need change the number with dashes like 9999-999 because im my country (Brasil) use when i call. can you help me? Thank you. (sorry about my english..)

1:18 PM, May 04, 2007 Unknown said...

Hello Yuet, i think i have a huge problem. the thing is that i edit my seem with your seem, and i think it went totally wrong, because now i can't connect my phone through USB to my computer. can you please help me with that. Thank you very much man.

4:36 PM, May 05, 2007 Jacques said...

Hi Yuet. A while ago I asked about deleting iTap from my phone. The link you then gave me didn't work, so what I then did, is to extract the codegroup with flash backup 3, the I edited it with shxcodec. I could delete the languages with shxcodec, but not iTap. And when I flashed that edited lp, it just shows me all the languages and iTap again. What can I do?

12:41 PM, May 18, 2007 Anonymous said...

Hi Yeut, in my p2ktools, SEEM 004e-0001 has maximum offset of 0x3ff. How to get to 412, 413, 41e, 41f for unlimited video recording? Can I use SEEM 004f-0001 offset 0x12, 0x13, 0x1e, 0x1f?

1:43 PM, May 18, 2007 Yuet said...

it is the problem of your version of p2k tools. get the latest version here. or use motokit or moto4lin.

1:47 PM, May 18, 2007 Yuet said...

Moacir, that seem edit is already in the handbook, don't you see?

Terrence, what exactly do you mean by "i can't connect my phone through USB to my computer."? what's the problem? what did you do? and how is your phone now?

7:51 PM, May 25, 2007 Anonymous said...

Hi Yuet, your instructions are great! I just changed my phone settings to get quad band service. Thanks!

I would like to have the option of recording a conversation while I'm on the phone. I had this feature on my Motorola v300, but I can't seem to get that feature to work on v360. Do you know what SEEM I would have to change to press any of the buttons on the side to record a conversation? Your help would be very much appreciated! Thanks.

2:22 PM, May 28, 2007 Yuet said...

we have not found the hack to enable recording of conversation.

5:01 AM, June 24, 2007 Anonymous said...

Hi Yuet, I have a T-mobile v360. Every time I charge my phone with the car charger, the backlight just stays on the whole time until I unplug it. Is it possible to edit SEEM to make the backlight turn off while charging with the car charger? (I have no problem with the wall charger).

5:01 PM, August 20, 2007 Anonymous said...

Hi Yuet, Thnx for the awesome MP.. I'm using ur 3.2 MP in my L7 rite now.. and really satisfied with it..
Anyway.. Just wanna ask.. is there any ways to remove carrier name/clock/date from the screen?

8:54 PM, November 03, 2007 Anonymous said...

Hi, Yuet!

I've recently changed my older L7 for a newer L7i (also known as L71). It has a better cam, improved bluetooth (supporting bt headphones), and higher memory support, as main characteristics. However, I'm having troubles with SMS feature: Each time I write a SMS message with over 70 chars, the phone spans the message accross several little messages (i.e. one sinble 75-chars SMS is sent as 2 pieces, and a 90-chars SMS is sent in 3 pieces), this causes my carrier to charge me each piece as separated SMS, increasing SMS billing. Any advise about how to get rid of this -spanning- feature?

Wait for your comments. Thanks in advance!


2:06 AM, December 31, 2007 Omega said...

Hi Yuet,

I stumbled upon your blog about a week ago. I flashed my V360 with you MP -- I love it!

I have a question. Previously Mig33 beta was not able to access the files on my phone (i.e., before flashing with your MP). Now it can!

Is there a SEEM edit for a standard V360 with the factory software that will allow an application to access the files on your phone?

Thank you in advance. Great work Yuet!!

8:11 PM, May 02, 2008 Anonymous said...

yuet how do you play 320 kbps song in v360???

3:27 AM, May 14, 2008 Anonymous said...

Hello, I have a problem with my L7. The Right Soft Button is stucked in some way and randomly its fine. When it gets stucked I cant do anything with the phone. I was wondering if there is some way to turn off specific buttons for the pad?

3:56 PM, June 05, 2008 Anonymous said...

Hi, could anybody help me? I am using Motorola V360 with java app Dictaphone (Chez, version 2.0.1) which saves amr files to memory card. It is a perfect solution for using V360 as a dictaphone. But there is a problem. When I close flip, dictaphone stops recording. It is still runnig stopped in the background anyway. Is there any simple solution? I hope I do not have to flash the whole firmvare. Can you give me an advice? Thank you in advance. John Web