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Sunday, December 17, 2006

WARNING: AER & E0R firmware

WARNING: sticky firmware AER & E0R
It is well known that the AER firmware (R4513_G_08.b7.AER) for V360/L7 is so-called sticky firmware. That is, you won't be able to flash to other different firmwares after you flashed to AER. A few modders have told me that E0R (R4513_G_08.b7.E0R) has the same "feature" as AER. I think I should issue this warning to all of you - Do NOT flash to AER or E0R firmware unless you have already had it on your phone. Also I suggest NOT to use the motorola firmware upgrade, because your phone may be upgraded to one of these two firmwares, or some new sticky firmware. I expect motorola will release more and more such firmwares to make it harder for modders.

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11:55 PM, December 18, 2006 Anonymous said...

Hi Yuet!

It's about a old post, buy i have a problem. I've installer your MP for my L7, expecting the PTT function works with my carrier (Claro, in Brazil). I've configured the options and get ptt activated. But, the only thing that i get trasmitted is the bips when we call another phone. If I talk, the other site hears only little clicks, and the same thing happens when someone talk with me. Any idea of what i can do? The MP version is the 1.8.

12:15 PM, December 19, 2006 Yuet said...

daniel, I am not sure why it happens. Have you checked with the carrier? what's the phone used by the other party?

1:39 AM, December 20, 2006 Anonymous said...

I fixed it! I've restored the original flash, and activated the PTT with your hints. I've called the carrier too, and they said that L7 isn't supported for ptt (heheheheheh...)...only the v235! Hahahahah, i've copied the server configurations from a v235 and it worked! :D Then, i've done a fusion between your MP and the original flash, to get the icons and skins...

I've tried only the Flex and DRM, but the ptt stopped working again. Flashing only the drm was okay, but i don't get the cool mac icons. I'm working now on a solution, and i'll tell you when i can get it working fine! :D

2:34 PM, December 20, 2006 Yuet said...

daniel, what's the firmware version you are using? you may want to try replace the 0032-0001 SEEM in my MP with the one in the original firmware to see if it is due to the seem. Sorry that I don't have PTT service to test it.

To get mac icons, flash the DRM and upload the skins.

2:25 PM, December 25, 2006 Anonymous said...

I buy new V360 phone:
Bootloader : 09.02
SW Version: R4513_G_08.B7.AER
Can I flash MP or not?

4:04 PM, December 25, 2006 Yuet said...

you can only flash to this AER MP.

4:44 PM, December 31, 2006 Anonymous said...

Hi, I bay new L7 phone: [BOOT LOADER: 09.02 SW VERSION: R4513_G_08.B7.DCR_RB]. Can I flash your MPs or not? Thanks. Happy New Year!

1:38 AM, January 01, 2007 Yuet said...

roman, yes, you can flash to YuetMod v1.8. Happy new year!

12:12 AM, January 06, 2007 Anonymous said...

so is there a way to change my v360 firmware to version. i installed your yuet edition, but it messed up my buttons functions. now my camera button activets voice dial, and the button beneath the volume controls(i dont know its exact name) starts ptt. so if there's no way to change the firmware, please help me edit my controls, cause im really a novice in this area.(i think i have to do something with the seem editor, but as i said im a noob :))so please help me. thanks

12:55 AM, January 06, 2007 Yuet said...

lipzz, I suggest u try to get used to the new key map, which is designed for flip-close operation. If you still want to fallback to original key map, download the 005b-0001 seem file in this post, then upload this seem to your phone, following this guide.

9:48 PM, January 07, 2007 Anonymous said...

props man, you kick ass! :D now i want to ask you, is there a way to return my old menu order, but in the same time the new shortucts that you made, to stay put in some way. is it possible?

11:00 AM, January 08, 2007 Yuet said...

lipzz, you can reorder main menu icons in "personalise - main menu", as long as you keep "shortcuts" as the 5th item. You have to modify the mma_ucp if you want to do further changes to the menu.

5:04 AM, January 21, 2007 Anonymous said...

Yo Yuet!

Ok, so here i am flashing/flexing/modding DRM's/seem editing/changing it to a L7 and what happens? she lays down on me. V360, 08.A0 bootloader, dosent do anything until you remove the battery then it will light up keypad for 2 seconds when you press the power button, but only once. i took a guess at putting it into program mode and flashed with a MP of somesort and it did nothing to help. i bought a new flex ribbon cable because i thought that might be worn out. still no help. It won't go into bootloader, won't display anything just flash a lil after u remove battery!, Tell me Yuet, have i bricked it or is there a way to revive this soldier? thank a million for all you do bro. TroY

11:25 AM, January 21, 2007 Yuet said...

answered here.

8:06 PM, February 25, 2007 Anonymous said...

Hello Yuet,
I buy new L7 phone:
SW Version: R4513_G_08.B7.E0R_RB
Can I flash MP ?
Which way can I use to install iTunes ?

9:25 PM, February 25, 2007 Yuet said...

clovis, you can only flash to MP with E0R firmware. Maybe you can hack the CG1, so as to install iTunes, but I am not sure if anyone has tested the RSA patch on E0R.

6:34 PM, March 05, 2007 Anonymous said...

hello Yuet
I have the l7 with S/W version R4513_G_08.B7.E0R_RB
how can i backup the existing firmware so that later i can restore it using Rsd lite or other programs or is it possible to Remove Rsa protection.
We are fed up of the Eor Firmware ie.sticky Firmware

11:27 PM, March 07, 2007 Yuet said...

you can use flashbackup 3 to backup your current software in SHX format, then you can flash it back using rsdlite. I am not sure if the rsa patch work on E0R or not. I have not seen anybody tried it.

2:23 PM, May 28, 2007 Yuet said...

sorry, I don't have other idea.

4:52 PM, July 27, 2007 SepTaVioS said...

I want to ask you that how to get rid of sticky firmware?I dont know what happen to my phone motov360,it keep apear black skreen with A80Q and R4 something something...Can you know what error is that?thanks much...

2:28 PM, July 28, 2007 Yuet said...

I can't visulize what is A80Q and R4. can you show me a screenshot? and please come to the forum to discuss.

10:37 PM, March 02, 2008 Anonymous said...

Yuet I have a Hug Problem with my L7... what shouyld i do with this? im using RSD Lite 2.8 the program recognizes it as USB Neptune LTE2
Device... Please help me... please help me about the process...



please help me

11:12 PM, March 05, 2008 Yuet said...

Marky, read this post - how to revive your phone.

3:53 PM, March 07, 2008 Anonymous said...

Hi Yuet!

My name is Wisani and I recently flashed my V360v with your MP and it looks great! Only problem is it can't find my network and it is ridiculously slow in opening some of the stuff. How can I fix this? (I have a V360v with 08.A0 bootloader and the MP version is 2.2.)
I'm in South Africa and my e-mail is:

Please Help!

12:18 AM, March 08, 2008 Yuet said...

Wisani, please try yuetmod v3.2 to see if the signal improves. if you have more questions, please come to my forum

9:46 PM, May 05, 2008 Anonymous said...

Hi Yuet,

I have firmware R4513_G_08.B7.2ER_A, would it be a problem to flash to any other firmware except (A0R and E0R for obvious reason of them being sticky)? Web