![]() | Understand Motorola Opcode |
[menu] = Menu key
[OK] = Right soft key "OK"
To get to the OpCode screen, press the following keys in sequence & quickly:
[menu] 0 4 8 2 6 3 *
If you can't get the OpCode screen, maybe it is not enabled in your phone. To enable Opcode Menu, do the following seem edit: (don't know seem edit? read this guide.)
SEEM 0032 offset 36 bit 4: (set on)
How to enter opcodes:
1. key "[menu] 0 4 8 2 6 3 *" to enter opcode screen
2. key opcode string, such as 32*91*1*31*1
3. press right soft key [OK]
Major Opcodes:
32 - read seem
47 - write seem
34 - restart
Opcode Syntax:
Restart phone:
34 [OK]
Read seem:
Example: 32*91*1*31*1
This opcode reads Hex value from offset 1F in SEEM 0005B-0001.
[Opcode] 32 = SEEM reading opcode
[field1] 91 = seem ID in Dec value. (91 is 005B, 50 is 0032)
[field2] 1 = seem record number in Dec value. (1 = 0001, 10 = 000A)
[field3] 31 = offset in Dec value. (31 = offset 1F)
[field4] 1 = number of bytes to read (1 means reading only offset 2F, 2 means reading offsets 2F & 30, etc.) If you put 0 for both field3 & field4, it will read all offsets in the seem record.
Write seem:
Example: 47*91*1*31*1*043
This opcode writes Hex value 2B to offset 1F in SEEM 0005B-0001.
[Opcode] 47 = SEEM writing opcode
[field1] 91 = seem ID in Dec value. (91 is 005B, 50 is 0032)
[field2] 1 = seem record number in Dec value. (1 = 0001, 10 = 000A)
[field3] 31 = offset in Dec value. (31 = offset 1F)
[field4] 1 = number of bytes to read (1 means reading only offset 2F, 2 means reading offsets 2F & 30, etc.)
[field5] 043 = value to write in Dec value, must be block of 3 digit. If you put 2 for field4, you should put 2 blocks in this field. For example, 043043 (043 = writing Hex 2B to the offset)
F1: 0 means successful, 1 failed.
F2(d): the hex value of the specified offset(s) (For seem reading only)
How to convert Dec value to bits:
The formula:
Dec value = bit0 x 1 + bit1 x 2 + bit2 x 4 + bit3 x 8 + bit4 x 16 + bit5 x 32 + bit6 x 64 + bit7 x 128
(bit value is either 0 or 1.)
If you don't understand, don't worry. I will show you some useful opcodes in coming posts.
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Yuet, hi, i'm trying to instal medie viewer, i have the 3.5b version (i try this corelet because it's has a plugin that allows you to set a sound when flip opens and other when flip closes). I install the program by using motomidman, then i turn the corelet, signed, and flipinsensitive attributes on... then i restart the phone, and the phone says "caducated app, see date and time configuration in initial setup", i tried to sign the app by using the java wireless toolkit 2.2 but i have no good answers, what can i do?. (if i try to install i-tunes(your version) again, the same happens). thank you very much... i appreciate your work a lot
gaston, try to generate a new jad file using jadMaker, then install again.
hi yuet i know a way to turn on the opcodes menu:
in p2k ae in seem 0032 search hstc and enable the only result you have.
you only have to turn corelet attribute. Only have to turn signed if you have a b7r flash.
i have a motorola L7, i cant get the op code screen by typing in
[menu] 0 4 8 2 6 3 *
i looked at my seems to see if i had to edit SEEM 0032 offset 36 bit 4
but it already is set "ON" .
i am keying in the code quite fast,but still nothing....
ashish, what's the firmware are u using? is it modified? Pls double check the seem edit.
my firmware is EOR, but its RSA removed...im using alidj24 's MP
ive double checked the SEEM
maybe the MP maker changed the code for opcode screen. try other MP.
in the p2k ae in seem 32 edit funcions search hstc and enable the only result you have.
Yuet you're so smart. it'svery simply to do we can change seem even when we got no pc. keep tryin' Yuet!!!
hi yuet,
I would love u to help me to unlock my motorola v360,my little sister take and play and had changed the security code,i would love to unlock myself.when i see your blog about this,i not much understand what must i do if my security code is totally lock.plz help me what i should do?
SepTaVioS, if you can't go into the opcode screen at all, you have to install the motorola driver and p2k software to read/reset the code.
read this guide.
Heloo Yuet,
I have Moto slvr L7, i use a menu editor, not noticing the problem may occur.
I save the seem that i open in example folder in my phone, now i restart my phone. now i have no message menu, i can't connect my phone to pc via usb cable bec my connectivity menu has no USB cable, now my last chance is to restore my phone to its factory setting, but when i go in setting menu there no security setting , thats why i can't restore my phone also.
Is there any option that i can restore my phone to its original setting
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