Messages: Please use the forum for our discussions & Q&A.

News: It is reported that iTunes 9 is compatible with jailbroked iPhones... Now I got an iPhone 3GS. I will be posting something about it...

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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Make V360 an iPod Shuffle

Turn V360 into iPod Shuffle
with flip closed
With YuetMod v1.5, you can turn your V360 into an iPod shuffle. However, we use the motorola sound player in the multimedia menu, instead of iTunes. Basically we can achieve all the functions of an iPod Shuffle, except the function of playing Podcast.

What is an iPod Shuffle?
iPod Shuffle is a music player with wired headset, but without a screen. It plays songs randomly. You can use the buttons on the player to skip song, stop playing and pause & resume playing. Of course you can also adjust volume.

What's the setup?
1. copy songs to /b/mobile/audio to the TF card via USB or bluetooth;
2. create a playlist for all the songs;
3. select the playlist, press "Menu" then select "Sound Setup". Set "Auto Repeat" and "Shuffle" On.
4. plug your wired headset into the V360.

How to play?
1. press the Smart key a few times to enter Shortcuts menu, then select Sound.
2. select the playlist, then press Smart key again to play it. The outer LCD will show a blank screen, but it is better than iPod Shuffle, which doesn't even have a screen. I call this blank screen "the sound player screen".
3. in the sound player screen, press Volume up/down keys to adjust volume.
4. in the sound player screen, press & hold Voice key to stop playing.
5. press the button of the wired headset to skip current song and jump to the next song,
6. in the sound player screen, press the Smart key will hide the sound player and go to the Shortcuts screen; press & hold the Voice key will go to the home screen, in which the date & time is shown.
7. If you don't have any voice name in your phonbook, you can pause/resume playing. Go to the home screen, press Voice key to pause playing. Press & hold Voice key will resume playing.

This is the function of my V360 that I use most often. Enjoy it!

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Friday, July 28, 2006

Mac tips

Tips for Mac OS X Tiger

Compress files into zip format
To create a compressed zip file, either Control-click on the selected files and choose "Create Archive", or select the files, then go to the Action menu and choose "Create Archive". It will create a zip file in the current location.

Keyboard shortcut to sleep the mac
Press Command-Option and then hold the Eject button for about 2 seconds.

Keyboard shortcuts for Screen Capture
1. Command-Shift-3: taking a screen capture of the entire screen
2. Command-Shift-4: you can choose which area of the screen you want to capture
3. Control-Command-Shift-3 (or 4): instead of creating a file on your desktop, it copies the capture into the Clipboard, so you can paste it.

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Thursday, July 27, 2006


the new motorola phone

The Rizr is a slider, enabling a user to open it by sliding a cover to reveal a keyboard. It is expected in stores in the fourth quarter.

Nice, isn't it?

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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

V360 and iSync on Mac

How to make V360 work with iSync on Mac?
Lastest version of iSync should support V360 natively. However, if you are still using older version of iSync, you may not find V360 in the list of iSync-supported phones, although it can actually work well with V360. There is a way to make iSync recognize V360. What you need to do is to add a key for V360 in iSync's MetaClasses.plist file. The file is located in Contents/Plugins/ApplePhoneConduit.syncdevice/Contents/Plugins/
PhoneModelsSync.phoneplugin/Contents/Resources in the package contents of iSync. To show package contents, Ctrl+Click the iSync icon and select "Show Package Contents". To add the key for V360, simply insert the following text into the file.(Please replace all "[" with "<" and all "]" with ">".)

[string]"Motorola CE, Copyright 2000"+V360[/string]
[string]"Motorola CE, Copyright 2000"+V360[/string]

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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Best setup for flip-close operation v2

Best setup for flip-close operation
Version 2
jizzmoto33@momo told me that I can replace the Voice key with headset key, then I come up with this Version 2 of setup for flip-close operation. This setup is applied in YuetMod v1.5 MP. (It should be able to apply for other clam-shell moto P2K phones.)

Refer to Version 1.

Version 2 Pros & cons: comparing to version 1
1. can make speakerphone call.
2. can pause music playing.
3. can jump to next song.
4. avoid accidental power-off
1. can't power off the phone when flip closed.
2. not as easy of use as version 1. Have to "press & hold" voice key, instead of "press".
3. can't stop alarm when phone is on.
4. can't stop music playing when sound player is hidden (home screen).

What you can do?
1. Call out using speakerphone
2. stop alarm sound when phone is off
3. stop/pause playing music
4. reject phone call
5. play music, adjust volume and jump to next song
6. enable/disable alarm
7. browse recent calls
8. browse phonebook
9. change personalise setting
10. view storage devices
11. change ring style
12. change usb setting
13. on/off bluetooth
(probably more ...)

1. Map the keys as follows:
browser key = smart key
camera key = voice key
smart key = fire key
voice key = wired headset key
wired headset key = right key
2. Set "Setting->Headset->Voice call" on. Set "Setting->In-call setup->Answer option->multikey" on.
3. Update mma file to put Shortcuts at the 5th item of the first level of the menu.
4. Create shortcuts for those functions that can be shown on the outer LCD.
My shortcuts:
3.recent calls
6.personalize devices
8.loud ring style
9.soft ring style
11.vibrate & ring
12.vibrate then ring
14.USB setting
15.On bluetooth
16.Off bluetooth

How to operate?
1. press the smart key two or three times, depends on whether your phone is in standby mode or not.
2. shortcuts menu is shown on the outer LCD. press volume up/down keys to select the item in the menu, then press smart key. Using the smart key, you can play music, enable/disable alarm, etc.
3. if you want to go back to select other items, press & hold the voice key, then repeat steps 1 & 2.
4. to stop alarm/reject call, press & hold the voice key.
5. When you are in the sound player screen, you can use volume keys to adjust volume, press & hold the voice key to stop playing music.
6. If you do not store any voice name in phonebook and wired headset is connected, you can pause/resume music playing. When you are in the home screen (hide sound player), press Voice key to pause music, and press Voice key again to resume.
7. When your wired headset is connected, you can use the headset button to jump to next song.
8. To make speakerphone call, go to phonebook, select the name then press voice key. Once the call is connected, press the smart key to activate speakerphone.
(Note: always press & hold the "Voice Key" to return to home screen before opening the flip, otherwise it may cause the phone to reboot. In sound screen, in order not to stop playing, press the smart key then press & hold the voice key will bring you to the home screen.)

How to achieve it?
The best & simplest way is to flash to my YuetMod v1.5 MP.
1. Use P2KMenuEditor to map the keys, or simply Hex edit the 005B-0001 SEEM. Read V360 SEEM 005B-0001 key map for more info
2. Use Hex Editor to update mma file. It is hard to explain how to update. The easiest way is to download my mma file. My mma file will also give you 3x4 icons.

If you want to post this article elsewhere, please quote the original author and link to this Blog webpage.

Download mma_ucp: (rename mma_ucp.bin to mma_ucp, copy it to mma_dcp, then upload the mma_ucp & mma_dcp into /a/mobile/system of your phone. set mma_dcp as system file.)

Get YuetMod MP here:
[YuetMod MP]

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

mma hacks

Hacks of mma_ucp / mma_dcp
The menu files of motorola p2k phone
I am not the one who found out the details of these mma hacks. I don't know who it is. I sucessfully edit the mma files of V360 based on this hacks.

Update on 15 April 2007: added mma hacks for newer phone. Record lenght in mma of newer phones (such as V360/L7/K1) is 36 bytes, while the record lenght in older phones (such as E398) is 22 bytes.

Now open the mma_ucp file using a Hex editor, and read the followings to understand what are those values in the mma file.

WARNING: Putting an incorrect mma file in your phone can turn it into black screen and force you to flash your phone, so edit it carefully and do it at your own risks.

In the mma_ucp/mma_dcp file, the first 10 offsets are the header. The menu item record starts from 0x0A offset. The first item is "Root", the second is "Container", then follow by 7 root items (home key items). After that is the "MenuRoot" item, follow by all other menu items.

mma hacks for older phones (22-byte record length)

Each record is composed of 7 items starting at offset 0x000A. The length of each record is 22 bytes. The attributes of a record are as follows starting follows: (Unless specified, each item is 1 byte in length)

[has child items] (boolean; will be a 1 when there is a child item)
[parent item's index] (everything except root has one)
[next item's index] (will be FF if this record is the last item in list)
[child item's index] (will be FF if there are no children)
[lock status] (determines if an item/application is lockable and it's state; see Settings > Security > Lock Application)
[item ID] (the string identifying the menu item, 16 bytes)

Address 0x02 = Number of menu items in hexadecimal. This will need to be increased to add menu items.

Here are the details:

Address 0x16 * index + 0x0A = [has child items]; Also the start of this item's attributes; 01 indicates this item has sub items; 00 indicates it's just a regular item.
Address 0x16 * index + 0x0B = [parent item's index] (self explanatory)
Address 0x16 * index + 0x0C = [next item's index]; If value is FF then there is no next item; end of list for this menu; works like a linked list.
Address 0x16 * index + 0x0D = [child item's index]; If this is not FF, this is a menu as well.
Address 0x16 * index + 0x0E = Null (don't touch)
Address 0x16 * index + 0x0F = Menu Type; this may be a bit flag... Values I've see are as follows:
* Value of 00 is seen on hidden items not shown (shouldn't mess with this one)
* Value of 01 means lockable but value was not set (might be an invalid value; showed blank in Lock Apps)
* Value of 21 means locked
* Value of 40 means not lockable (item is not seen in security > lock apps)
* Value of 41 means unlocked
* Value of 61 means view only (Option available for phonebook)
* My GUESS is that bit 0 is the one that determines if the item is shown in the Lock Apps screen. Bit 5 means locked, bit 6 means unlocked and bits 5 and 6 both on means that it's kinda locked (view only).
Address 0x16 * index + 0x10 to 0x1F = This is the string ID for the menu item.

mma hacks for newer phones (36-byte record length)

Each record is composed of 10 items starting at offset 0x000A. The length of each record is 36 bytes. The attributes of a record are as follows starting follows: (Unless specified, each item is 1 byte in length)

[has child items] (boolean; will be a 1 when there is a child item)
[parent item's index] (everything except root has one)
[next item's index] (will be FF if this record is the last item in list)
[child item's index] (will be FF if there are no children)
[lock status] (determines if an item/application is lockable and it's state; see Settings > Security > Lock Application)
[item ID] (the string identifying the menu item, 25 bytes)
[whether it is home key item] (CC = home key items, and CD = all other menu items.)
[offset of customised function] (2 bytes, only meaningful when 10th item is not "00 00")
[length of the customised function] (2 bytes)

Address 0x02 = Number of menu items in hexadecimal. This will need to be increased to add menu items.


The first 1-7th items are same as those in older phones, except the length of the 7th item.
Address 0x24 * index + 0x0A = [has child items]; Also the start of this item's attributes; 01 indicates this item has sub items; 00 indicates it's just a regular item.
Address 0x24 * index + 0x0B = [parent item's index] (self explanatory)
Address 0x24 * index + 0x0C = [next item's index]; If value is FF then there is no next item; end of list for this menu; works like a linked list.
Address 0x24 * index + 0x0D = [child item's index]; If this is not FF, this is a menu as well.
Address 0x24 * index + 0x0E = Null (don't touch)
Address 0x24 * index + 0x0F = Menu Type; this may be a bit flag... Values I've see are as follows:
* Value of 00 is seen on hidden items not shown (shouldn't mess with this one)
* Value of 01 means lockable but value was not set (might be an invalid value; showed blank in Lock Apps)
* Value of 21 means locked
* Value of 40 means not lockable (item is not seen in security > lock apps)
* Value of 41 means unlocked
* Value of 61 means view only (Option available for phonebook)
* My GUESS is that bit 0 is the one that determines if the item is shown in the Lock Apps screen. Bit 5 means locked, bit 6 means unlocked and bits 5 and 6 both on means that it's kinda locked (view only).
Address 0x24 * index + 0x10 to 0x28 = This is the string ID for the menu item.
Address 0x24 * index + 0x29 = [whether it is home key item] (CC = home key items, and CD = all other menu items.)
Address 0x24 * index + 0x2A to 0x2B = [offset of customised function]
Address 0x24 * index + 0x2C to 0x2D = [Hex length of the customised function]
* The offset of first customised function starts at the end of the last menu record. the 9th item is only meaningful if 10th item is not '00 00'. In other words, if the 10th item is '00 00', you can give the 9th item any value without affecting the mma_ucp's function in any way. for the first special function, 9th item is always 00 00 and 10th item is hex length of first function. for the second special function, 9th item is the ending offset for first function. if you have no special settings for a record, just make sure 10th item is 00 00. Customised function can be used to create branded icons/links/functions. The details of how to define such functions is not clear yet. You can, however, make special functions using p2k menu editor, and import the resulting functions created. p2k menu editor is currently limited to creating alternative icon names/images.

Credits to FizzWinkle for the new findings in the mma of newer phones.

I know it is not easy to understand, but I don't know how to explain it further. I think the best way to explain is by questions & answers, so post your questions.

Download my mma_ucp of 3x4 icons : (rename mma_ucp.bin to mma_ucp, copy it to mma_dcp, then upload the mma_ucp & mma_dcp into /a/mobile/system of your phone. set mma_dcp as system file.)
[] [filecloud]

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Friday, July 14, 2006

SEEM Edit Guide

SEEM Edit Guide
for Motorola P2K mobile phone
This guide is made to answer questions, such as "How to seem edit?", "What is SEEM edit?", etc.

SEEM? I don't know why it called SEEM. In my words, SEEM is the memory area in the P2K phone that works as parameter table or data storage. With different parameters, the phone can behave differently, have different options, enable/disable some features, etc. SEEM is also used to store user data, such as SMS, Databook entries, phone information, call history, etc. There are many SEEMs and they are identified by SEEM ID. With P2K software, like P2K Tools, you can read the SEEM from the phone and update the SEEM back to phone. The SEEM is represented in HEX format in the SEEM editor. There are many customized SEEM edit software out there, but you can always Hex edit the SEEM file, when you fully understand how the SEEMs work.

The words you need to understand:

SEEM or SEEM ID: the id that identifies a particular SEEM, such as 0032-0001 and 004a-0001. The first 4 digit is the SEEM number, while the second 4 digit is the record. One SEEM number can have multiple records.

Offset: the address of the byte in the SEEM. one byte has 8 bits.

Bit: the 0-7 bits in the byte. usually each bit represents an option. we enable or disable the option by turning on or off the bit. "on" means "tick the bit" while "off" is "uncheck the bit".

Once you understand the above, doing seem edit is pretty easy. You need a SEEM editor software (P2K tools, Motokit, Moto4Lin and many others). Let's do it by examples. In example 1, we will edit an offset in the SEEM. In example 2, we will write a seem file to the phone. (It is recommended that you always save the SEEM to a SEEM file in your PC/Mac, before writing the SEEM to the phone.)

Example 1: edit seem

In this example, we want to enable usb charging, and we know that the seem for usb charging option is "SEEM 004a_0001 offset 0207 bit 0: (1 enable, 0 disable)". You can read [v360 seem list] to find out the seems for other options/functions.

Now let's start.

Here is a screenshot: [Screeshot of P2K Tools]

1. open p2k tools, click seem edit icon
2. in the Seem (num/rec) box, enter 004a and 0001, then click "load from phone"
3. find offset 0207, which is row 200 and column 07
4. select the offset, then enter "01" or uncheck 1-7 bits and check 0 bit using bit operations. (Hex value 01 represents binary value 00000001, FF will be 11111111. You can either update the hex value or update the bits. It is your choice. Sometimes bit operations is not possible, then you have to do Hex edit. For those SEEMs that store user data, you can only Hex edit it.)
5. click "save to phone" and restart the phone. It is done.

Example 2: upload seem file

In this example, we want to upload the 005B-0001 seem file to the phone. Here are the steps:

1. open p2k tools, click seem edit icon
2. in the Seem (num/rec) box, enter 005b and 0001, then click "load from file"
3. select the seem file and load it
4. click "save to phone" and restart the phone. It is done.

If you want to post this article elsewhere, please quote the original author and link to this post.

P2KTools: []
moto4lin: [moto4lin]

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Moto4Lin for Mac

a P2K software for Mac
I would like to introduce to you this great P2K software. It is a must-have for modders using Mac. With this software, you can access the P2K file system in your motorola phone and edit SEEM.

Get [Moto4Lin]

How to install Moto4Lin on Mac OS X? Read [HOWTO on Mac OS X]

Download application package precompiled by me, which also fix the bug of download/upload of multiple files.
[] [filecloud]

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006


SEEM handbook
for Motorola mobile phone V360/L7
Here I would like put up some useful seem edit. I group them by functions. They are tested on V360, should work on SLVR or some other phones, so use it for other phones at your own risks. If you are not familiar with SEEM edit, please read my SEEM Edit guide.

I will keep updating this post, so come back and check please.

Legend: 1 = set on, 0 = set off

enable PTT setting & PTT key (discovered by Yuet)
SEEM 0032-0001 offset 66 bit 6: (set off)
SEEM 0032-0001 offset 7D bit 1: (set on)
SEEM 0032-0001 offset 83 bit 0: (set on)
SEEM 0032-0001 offset 8c bit 7: (set on)
SEEM 005B-0001 offset 17 (set value to 40 to set smart key = PTT key)

option to switch storage device (discovered by Yuet)
SEEM 0032-0001 offset 9F bit 3:
on = switch to phone memory/memory card directly in list, java apps will be installed in card when "install new apps"
off = press menu key to see "switch storage device" option, will prompt to select storage device when "install new apps"

enable/disable USB charging
SEEM 004a_0001 offset 0207 bit 0: (1 enable, 0 disable)

enable quadband (850/1900 & 900/1800)
SEEM 0025_0001 offset 00 bits 0, 1, and 3 (all set on)
SEEM 0025_0001 offset 00 bit 2 (set off)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 50 bit 0: (set on)

unlimited video (Flash dependent) (Make video recording longer than 1.5 minutes, up to about 30 minutes.)
SEEM 004E_0001 offsets 412, 413, 41E, 41F: (set all values to FF)

video type
SEEM 004a_0001 offset 1D1 (01 = 3gp, 03 = mp4)

enable video styles (B&W/Bluish/Antique/Reddish/Greenish/Negative)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 82 bit 0: (set on)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 81 bit 2: (set on)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 81 bit 3: (set on)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 81 bit 4: (set on)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 81 bit 5: (set on)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 81 bit 6: (set on)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 81 bit 7: (set on)

Operator name
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 40 bit 4: (off = show operator name stored in plmn_text_table.bin, on = show operator name stored in sim card)

Fix problem of showing "cingular" when using "T-mobile" SIM and get rid of the Roam triangle icon
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 4B bit 6 (set on)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 34 bit 3: Roaming triangle icon (set off)

Voice Message Indicator, instead of receiving SMS notification
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 02 bit 1 (set on)

enable autoupdate of Time & Date
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 00 bit 0: (set on)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 55 bit 2: (set on)

enable GPRS auto-attach at power-on
SEEM 010a_0001 offset 00 bit 0: (set on)
SEEM 010a_0001 offset 00 bit 1: (set off)

enable GPRS auto-detach after GPRS session
SEEM 010a_0001 offset 00 bit 0: (set on)
SEEM 010a_0001 offset 00 bit 1: (set on)

Menu items (flash-dependent. require menu code to be in mma file)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 65 bit 1: IM Instant Messenger (1 enable, 0 disable)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 52 bit 6: AIM (1 enable, 0 disable)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 54 bit 2: Mobile QQ (1 enable, 0 disable)

General setting
SMS storage location: SEEM 0032_0001 offset 40 bit 6: (0 = phone, 1 = SIM)
Java splash screen display: SEEM 0032_0001 offset 71 bit 6: (1 on, 0 off)
Swap Softkeys function: SEEM 0032-0001 offset 89 bit 5 (1 on, 0 off)
Dashes in phone number: SEEM 004a_0001 offset 80 (set value to 01 for "no dash", 00 for "with dashes")
Match name in phonebook with caller ID number: SEEM 0032_0001 offset 3E bit 4 (0 = partial match, 1 = exact match)

General option
SMS Setup - Store To: (SIM/Phone): SEEM 0032_0001 offset 9A bit 1: (1 on, 0 off)
Initial Setup - Auto Redial: SEEM 0032_0001 offset 00 bit 2: (1 on, 0 off)
Initial Setup - Battery Save: SEEM 0032_0001 offset 1D bit 6: (1 on, 0 off)
Initial Setup - TTY Setup: SEEM 0032_0001 offset 47 bit 3: (1 on, 0 off)
Initial Setup - Vibe sync: SEEM 0032_0001 offset 68 bit 0: (1 on, 0 off)

enable custome startup/shutdown sound & animation
SEEM 004a_0001 offset 22 (Set value to 01 for custom startup sound stored in /a/mobile/audio/Cust_Start~up.mp3. In some branded firmwares, it can be .mid file or located at /c/mobile/audio/)
SEEM 004a_0001 offset 23 (Set value to 01 for custom startup/shutdown animation stored in seems 0206/0208, usually "/a/custwakeup.gif" and "/a/custgoodbye.gif")
SEEM 004a_0001 offset 24 (Set value to 01 for custom shutdown sound stored in /a/mobile/audio/Power~down.mp3. In some branded firmwares, it can be .mid file or /c/mobile/audio/)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 1D bit 3: Moto Startup Animation (Set off)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 24 bit 3: Custom Startup/shutdown Sound (Set on)

Custom Outer LCD Text
SEEM 004a_001 offset 27: set value to "01".
SEEM 0061_0001 & 0062_0001: store your custom text.
(there must be a hex value of "00" in between each character in 0061/0062 SEEM. At the end of the text, you must put hex values of "00 00" and the rest after "00 00" is filled with hex values of "FF". This requires restart to see the change.)

Custom Outer LCD image
SEEM 004a_001 offset 27: set value to "00".
SEEM 0061_0001 & 0062_0001: store the path to the custom gif file, for example /a/cl.gif
(there must be a hex value of "00" in between each character in 0061/0062 SEEM. At the end of the text, you must put hex values of "00 00" and the rest after "00 00" is filled with hex values of "FF". This requires restart to see the change.)

Recent Calls option
SEEM 0126_0001 offset 03 bit 5: to same number in Dialed Calls (1 = list only most recent call, 0 = list all calls)
SEEM 0126_0001 offset 03 bit 6: from same number in Received Calls (1 = list only most recent call, 0 = list all calls)

Increase number of stored received calls
SEEM 0050_0001 offset 8F
SEEM 0051_0001 offset 8F
(set value to hex value of the number, for example, "32" = 50 numbers; "63" = 99 numbers)

Increase number of stored dialed calls
SEEM 0050_0001 offset 93
SEEM 0051_0001 offset 93
(set value to hex value of the number, for example, "32" = 50 numbers; "63" = 99 numbers)

enable phonebook photo from TF card
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 8C bit 2: (set on)

to what ring style to swap when press & hold # key
SEEM 004a_0001 offset 1ED:
set value to 01 = soft
set value to 02 = vibrate
set value to 03 = vibe then ring
set value to 04 = silent
set value to 05 = vibe&ring

Press & Hold 1 to dial Voicemail number or not?
SEEM 0032 offset 24 bit 2: Press & Hold 1 to Autodial Voice Mail Number (1 on, 0 off)

use the phone without a SIM card
SEEM 004a_0001 offset 4D bit 0: (set off)

enable 300K MMS download limit
SEEM 0032-0001 offset 7F bit 0: (set on)
SEEM 004e-0001 offset 2e1 bit 2: (set on)
SEEM 004e-0001 offset 2e2 bit 4, 5 & 7: (all set on)
SEEM 004f-0001 offset 2e1 bit 2: (set on)
SEEM 004f-0001 offset 2e2 bit 4, 5 & 7: (all set on)

Fix white-balancing problem of second photo
SEEM 0032-0001 offset 6c bit 5: (set on)

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Obfuscate midlet jar files on Mac

How do I obfuscate my midlet jar files on Mac?
download proguard @

install proguard and change the configuration file as follows:
# define library jars
-libraryjars /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/ CurrentJDK/Classes/classes.jar
-libraryjars /Developer/Java/mpp-sdk/midp.jar
-libraryjars /Developer/Java/mpp-sdk/cldc.jar
# do not use mixed case classnames
# -dontusemixedcaseclassnames

use the following shell script to obsuscate the jar file:

#Author: Yuet
jarpath= "/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Classes/classes.jar"
java -jar $proguard -dontusemixedcaseclassnames -injars $infile -outjars $outfile $arg3

unzip $outfile -d "temp-$infile"
$preverify -classpath $classpath -d "temp-$infile" "temp-$infile"
cd "temp-$infile"
zip -r ../jarsObfuscated/$infile *
cd ..
rm $outfile
rm -rf "temp-$infile"

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Online translator

Online translator
Hi, friends from all over the world, if you don't know English, please select your language below to translate this Blog into your language. It is transalted by altavista babelfish translator. It is not recommended if you can read English.


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Midlet development with Xcode

A short note for setting up J2ME Midlet development environment in Xcode
download the project template @

uncompress it & put the "Ant-based MIDlet Jar" folder into
/Library/Application Support/Apple/Developer Tools/Project Templates/Java/

download mpowerplayer sdk @

put the mpp-sdk folder into /Developer/Java/

set /Developer/Java/mpp-sdk/osx/peverify executable.

Sponsors links:

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Questions & answers

Questions & answers
regarding moto modding, J2ME or Mac
Hi, everybody.

If you have any questions for me, you can ask them in comments in the post. I will do my best to answer.

I plan to write a series of guides for moto modding. Give me some time, come back and check it out later. If you are interested in posting articles in the Blog, let me know so I can grant you the right.

This post is a bit too long, so I created a new one for Q&A. Please use the new questions & answers thread to ask your questions. New comments on this post is not allowed.

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Saturday, July 08, 2006

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List of all posts

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Friday, July 07, 2006

How to install java games & apps

How to install java games & apps
on Motorola P2K mobile phones
There are a few ways to install java applications into Motorola P2K mobile phones, including E398, V360, L7, V3, etc.

Install via bluetooth
This is the simplest way, provided you have setup bluetooth connectivity between your phone and your PC/Mac. Mac has build-in support for bluetooth and it can support most of the Motorola phones. All you need to do is download the jar file from the internet to your PC/Mac, then send the jar file to your mobile phone via bluetooth. Your phone will recognize the jar file and install it automatically. Of course you have choice to install it in phone memory or TF card, if there is TF card in your phone. (Read how to set up bluetooth mobile phone on mac, if you haven't set up your phone yet.)

Using Java App Loader & Midway, via USB cable
1. You need to enable the "Java App Loader" function in Java Setting. It can be enabled by editing the following seem:
SEEM 0032-0001: offset 43 - bit 0: Settings > Java Settings > Java App Loader (1 on, 0 off)
(It is enabled if you are using my MP. Read my SEEM edit guide if not sure how to edit the SEEM.)
2. Get the software "Midway", which you can get from Motorola's website. Install it. (It is for PC only)
3. Now go to Java Setting in your phone and select "Java App Loader".
4. Connect your phone to your PC via USB cable.
5. Open Midway, select the jad file, then send it to your phone.
6. After file transfer is completed, it will be installed in your phone automatically.

Install in TF card, via USB cable
1. Set "Default connection" of "USB setting" to "memory card".
2. Connect your phone to your PC via USB cable. Your phone will be recognized as a removable hard drive.
3. Copy the jar file from PC/Mac to /mobile/kjava directory of the removable drive.
4. Go to "Games & Apps" menu for Memory card, then select "[install new]".
5. Then select the games/apps to install.

The above methods won't work if special permission is required to run the games/apps. You can grant permission using MotoMidMan.

Install using Moto Midlet Manager (MotoMidMan)
MotoMidMan is a free software, download and install it. You must also have installed the driver for Motorola P2K phone. By default MotoMidMan will grant full permission for the games/apps installed using MotoMidMan. MotoMidMan is very easy to use, so just download and use it. If your java apps has a jad & a jar file, select install jad file. Otherwise, select install jar file.

If you have a new phone model, you may see "unsupported platform cant continue" when using motomidman. One possible solution is to check your S/W version, then add the version into "model2" in the motomidman.ini file. For example, your S/W version is R452B_G_08.02_08R. You can add R452B to Mode2 in MotoMidMan.ini file, as follows:
Mode2 = R4513 R3511 R479 R47A R4517 R478 R452B

screenshot of motomidman:

Generate JAD file using JADMaker
Most of the java j2me apps packages come with both JAD & JAR file, but some of them have only the JAR file. To generate the JAD file, you can use a program "JADMaker" to do it. Just open JADMaker, then drag the JAR file into the JADMaker's window, the JAD file will be generated in the same location as the JAR file.

More posts about making simple mods to your phone:
P2K file system
How to install skins
How to transfer files from computer to phone

motomidman version 0.70: []
JADMaker: []

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

My DRM graphics

DRM graphics
for Motorola P2K GSM handphone

UPDATE 26/01/2007: The DRM packs used in my YuetMod MPs are now available for download at the bottom of this post.

These are the graphics I created or modified. They are all used in my YuetMod MP v1.5 and lower version. Feel free to use them if you like. I changed the DRM in v1.6, you can see the screenshot of v1.6 at this post.

By downloading the DRM pack or re-posting any part of this article, you agree to the followings:
1. I am not responsible for any damage to your phone, so use it at your own risk.
2. You do not use this DRM Pack to get profit.
3. You do not provide direct download of the files. Instead, you must link to this webpage for downloading files.

(DRM packs for V360 or L7, with R4513 firmware and bootloader 09.02/08.D0/08.A0)
DRM pack in YuetMod v1.5: []
DRM pack in YuetMod v1.8/v2.0/v3.0: []

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