Messages: Please use the forum for our discussions & Q&A.

News: It is reported that iTunes 9 is compatible with jailbroked iPhones... Now I got an iPhone 3GS. I will be posting something about it...

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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Questions & answers (2nd thread)

Question & answers
Update: This thread is too long. Please use the community forum for our discussions and Q&A.

The old questions & answers thread is a bit too long, so I create this new thread for Q&A. Feel free to ask your questions by posting comments.

I strongly recommend you read my guides - Road to extreme modder, if you are new to moto modding.

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

YuetMod v4.0 for R4513 AER

YuetMod v4.0 MonsterPack
for V360/L7 with R4513_AER firmware and 08.D0/08.A0/09.02 bootloader
This is a special version of YuetMod v1.8 compiled for V360/L7 with R4513_AER. I name it v4.0 just to distinguish it from v1.8.

Flash to it ONLY if your phone is with AER, you will not be able to flash to other firmwares after you flash this AER MP. If your phone is not AER, you should flash to the YuetMod v1.8.

It has everything from YuetMod v1.8 except those java apps, including iTunes, that require special permissions, will not work with AER. Just delete them.

For details of YuetMod v1.8, read [this post]

This MP will NOT lock your phone to any network. You can flash it no matter your phone is locked or unlocked, but it won't unlock your locked phone.

By downloading this MP file or re-posting any part of this article, you agree to the followings:
1. I am not responsible for any damage to your phone, so use it at your own risk.
2. You do not use this MonsterPack to get profit.
3. You do not provide direct download of the files. Instead, you must link to this webpage for downloading files.

Download the 2 rar files, put them in the same folder, then decompress the first one. The unrar program will combine the 2 parts and produce the SHX flash file.

For V360/L7 (R4513_AER) Download: 2 rar files
part 1 of rar: [filecloud] [mofile] [4shared]
part 2 of rar: [filecloud] [mofile] [4shared]

UPDATE: This MP was tested successfully on L7, by inoxious, using RSDLite 3.0; and it was also tested successfully on V360, by Ryan, using RSDLite 2.5. Thank inoxious & Ryan!

L7 Users, please read
For L7 users, you may want to fallback to the original key mapping. You can write this 005B-0001 seem file into your phone to get back the original key mapping. (This seem file works for V360 as well.)
Download 005B-0001 seem file: [filecloud] [mofile]

For those who want to change phone model from V360 to L7, please upload the following seem 0117_0001. Read my seem edit guide if you are not sure how to upload.
Download 0117_0001 seem file:[filecloud]

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Disassemble, testpoint & unlock V360/L7

Disassemble, testpoint & repair PDS/unlock V360/L7
Some visitors asked how to disassemble, testpoint & unlock V360/L7, and some of you gave useful information on this topic. Here I consolidate all the info in the post. This method can be used to unlock, repair pds and get rid of sticky firmware like AER. (Hints: Probably we can use this method to update the pds, so as to make iTunes work with desktop iTunes to copy songs.)

Disassemble & testpoint

Download & Watch this 3gp video "disassemble V360" to see how V360 can be disassembled.

Also look at the pictures provided by Steve Hunter.
A. battery removed;
B. speaker cover removed;
C. plastic cover removed;
D/E. testpoint exposed in the hole of the metal shield;
F. LCD disconnected;
G. hole of the shield is covered;
H. unlocked phone with YuetMod MP;
I/J. Tools used.

Basically you will do the following steps:
1. remove battery cover.
2. remove battery.
3. unbuckle and remove the speaker cover.
4. unscrew the four screws, using a Torx screwdriver. (size T6)
5. unbuckle and remove the plastic cover.
6. disconnect the LCD from the main board.
7. take out the main board

Watch this video "Testpoint L7" at YouTube to see how the guy disassemble and testpoint L7.

(Disclaimer: Doing the following steps might void your warranty or damage your phone. I, Yuet, shall not be responsible for any damage to your phone by following the steps, so do it at your own risk.)

The testpoint is covered by the metal shield. You have to cut off part of the shield to uncover the testpoint. If you have the tools used by the guy in the "testpoint L7" video, follow him to remove part of the shield. If not, you can use a heavy-duty pliers to carefully cut off part of the shield, which was what I did to my V360 before.

Refer to this picture to find testpoint of V360. Testpointing V360/L7 will bypass the bootloader and get the phone detected as blank neptune.

There are 2 versions of Testpoint for L7, as two differnt boards are used for L7. You have to determine which version is for your phone.

Again you can follow the method used in the "testpoint L7" video to testpoint your phone. If you don't have those tools, you will need a paper clip and a friend to do the testpoint. The following steps are what I have tried:
1. connect the main board to computer using usb cable.
2. use the paper clip to connect the testpoint and the metal shield with one hand.
3. connect the battery to the board with another hand. You will have to keep the battery connected through the whole process.
4. start the software, i.e. p2k easy tool, using your friend's hands. (A good way to verify if testpoint correctly is to open RSDLite. It should be detected as "S Blank Neptune".)
5. disconnect testpoint and use the software to repair PDS or unlock the phone.

screenshot of p2k easy tool

Unlock or repair PDS
It is reported "p2k easy tools v3.9 cracked" can unlock V360/L7 or repair PDS. As it can repair PDS, theoratically it can be used to get rid of the sticky AER or E0R firmware. Search the internet to find the software please. I haven't tested this software, so you will have to try it at your own risk. Good luck! and if you succeed, let me know please.
WARNING: Caution should be given to SLVR L7 with 0A.20 bootloader or R4517 firmware, and V360 with 09.02 bootloader. Failure on such phones was reported.

UPDATE: This method has been tested successfully by Steve Hunter to unlock his V360v.
2nd UPDATE: Edgard has successfully removed AER from his V360, by doing testpoint plus full pds repair then flash to 56R.
3rd UPDATE: Enrique has removed AER from his L7 using this method. (flash to DAR/DCR after testpoint & repair pds.)
Conclusion: This method WORKS!

Related posts:
a new and free way to unlock: unlock/repair pds by flashing without testpoint
Unlock & repair pds using GOT_MOTO
Repair S Blank Neptune LTE2

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Skin edit trick - preview screen

Skin edit trick
Customize phonebook/picture preview screen
First thank Patuno for telling me this idea. I found that we can edit the skin .SKI file to customize the preview screen of phonebook entries and pictures. We can customize the number of entries shown in one screen and the coordinates of the picture and text of each entry. Please note that this trick actually affects both phonebook and picture.

Tools you need:
TextWrangler for Mac or UltraEdit for PC (or Skinner4moto)


1. download the .ski file (i.e. from your phone to your computer.

2. make a backup of the file, then open it using the text editor (TextWrangler or UltraEdit).

3. in the ski file, look for the 4 blocks of text similar to the followings.
0 14 3
1 0 39 168 90
1 0 92 168 143
1 0 145 168 196
0 15 3
1 2 41 49 88
1 2 94 49 141
1 2 147 49 194

0 20 3
1 52 46 167 64
1 52 99 167 117
1 52 151 167 169
0 21 3
1 52 66 167 84
1 52 119 167 137
1 52 171 167 189

- you can see there are 4 blocks of text. each one consists of one header row and three detail rows.
- The second column of the header row (i.e. 14, 15, 20 and 21) are the IDs of the items, so you must not change them. The 3rd column defines the number of entries to be shown in the preview screen. The number of detail rows must match with this number. each detail row defines the coordinates of each preview entry.
- The 2nd to 5th columns of detail rows define the coordinate of each item. 2nd & 3rd define the top-left corner of the rectangle, while 4th & 5th define the bottom-right corner.
- ID (0 14) defines the coordinates of the background of highlighted item
- ID (0 15) defines the coordinates of the picture thumbnail of each item
- ID (0 20) defines the coordinates of the phonebook name or picture filename of each item
- ID (0 21) defines the coordinates of the phonebook number or picture date/time of each item

4. you can adjust the number of items and their coordinates to whatever you want. The following setting is just for your reference. These settings are used in the skins of my YuetMod MPs. Try it to see the difference. You may need to adjust them to fit your skin.

example 1: show full screen preview of one entry
0 14 1
1 0 178 170 196
0 15 1
1 0 0 176 220
0 20 1
1 4 178 90 196
0 21 1
1 92 178 168 196

example 2: show 2 entries
0 14 2
1 91 56 170 104
1 91 130 170 178
0 15 2
1 1 46 90 114
1 1 120 90 188
0 20 2
1 92 56 170 79
1 92 130 170 153
0 21 2
1 92 79 170 102
1 92 153 170 176

5. after you made the changes, save the ski file and upload it back to your phone. It is done!

PS: You can actually do this with skinner4moto, if you prefer graphic interface. Here is a screen of skinner4moto. Open the skin in skinner4moto and select "Structure", you will see the item IDs (14, 15, 20 & 21). Basically you will need to do is add/delete elements in these 4 items, and then adjust the coordinates of each element.

screenshot of skinner4moto:

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My LP collection

My LP collection
for V360/L7 (09.02/08.D0/08.A0 R4513)
(LP = LangPack = Language Pack = Language Package)

Here is my collection of language packs for V360/L7 with 09.02/08.D0/08.A0 bootloader and R4513 firmware. I have recompiled all the LPs to be compatible with RSA-patched firmwares.

By downloading these files or re-posting any part of this article, you agree to the followings:
1. I am not responsible for any damage to your phone, so use it at your own risk.
2. You do not use these files to get profit.
3. You do not provide direct download of the files. Instead, you must link to this webpage for downloading files.

All the LPs are compiled and tested by me. Hope you appreciate the effort.

0039a: UK English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian
(custom-made for Leo, who want Spanish & Romanian together.)

0015a: US English, Simplified Chinese, Thai

0015b: US English, Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese

004D: UK English, Tranditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese

0016: US English, Tranditional Chinese

0024: UK English, Simplified Chinese, Bahasa Malayu







All LP downloads at []

More will be added.

Related post: LP description

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Sunday, October 08, 2006

YuetMod MPs for V360/L7

YuetMod MPs for V360/L7
(MP = MonsterPack = Monster Package = firmware)

I hope this table helps you to decide to use which version of YuetMod.

Firmwarer4513_g_08.b7.abr or acr (retail versions)r4513_g_08.b7.b7r (patched by Yuet)r44419_g_08.d4.0fr (patched by Yuet)
Unique feature1. allow ringtones in card
2. support PTT
1. airplane mode
2. support PTT
3. send jar file via bluetooth
4.. allow customising system sounds
1.USB charging option
2. Lunar date in Datebook
3. Hot message in Message
4. image styles for camera
5. send jar/zip file via bluetooth
Common feature1. unlimited video recording
2. quadband
3. pictures in card can be set as phonebook image
4. keypad lock (Menu *)
5. 3x4 icons
6. IM and MobileQQ enabled
7. Engineering mode enabled
8. Innovative Flip-close operation
9. all skins use big photo of incoming caller
10. exclude LangPack from MonsterPack
11. a complete set of Mac icons for skins & DRM
12. different preview mode of pictures/phonebook photos for different skins
13. video styles
14. Store up to 50 numbers for received/dialed call
15. allow granting full permission to java apps
16, enable Battery Save, Java Proctection, TTY, Java App Loader, etc ...
17. iTunes installed
LimitationNo PTT
Some user feedbackBetter receptionBest reception
Most speedy
Bootloader requirement08.A0, 08.D0, 09.02 or 08.A209.02, 08.A0, 08.D0 or 08.A208.A0, 08.D0 or 08.A2
Firmware requirementR4513 firmwares except AER & E0R
(Here is the special YuetMod version for AER)
Modelfor V360, V360I, V360v or L7
DownloadYuetMod v1.xYuetMod v2.xYuetMod v3.x

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Saturday, October 07, 2006

Hex Edit Guide - part 5

Hex Edit Guide
part 5
Continue from [Hex Edit guide part 1] , [part 2], [part 3] & [part 4].

This part covers:
- simple edit of mma_ucp file.

simple edit of mma_ucp

Following this guide, you can replace an existing unused menu item with a new menu item, or swap the position of two existing menu items. In the following steps, I will show you how to swap the position of "Shortcuts" and "RecentCall".


1. use P2K software to download the mma_ucp file. The file is in /a/mobile/system/. Please make a backup of the file.

2. open the file using Hex editor.

3. search for text "RecentCall".

4. replace text "RecentCall" with "Shortcuts".

5. as "RecentCall" is one character longer than "Shortcuts", you must replace the hex value "6C" of the last character "l" with "00".

6. search for another appearance of "Shortcuts", then replace it with "RecentCall".

7. save the file, then upload it to /a/mobile/system

8. restart your phone to see the change.

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

YuetMod v1.x MP for V360/L7

YuetMod v1.9a MonsterPack
for V360/V360I/L7
v1.9a main changes: (07/06/2007)
v1.9a is tested V360 and also L7. It is compatible with 08.A0/08.D0 bootloader, and also compatible with sticky firmwares AER/E0R.
Details/support/download at this thread in the forum.

v1.8 main changes: (04/10/2006)
1. Fix iTunes problem of showing song name when hidden
2. Fix voice name recording problem for L7
3. Universal version for 09.02, 08.D0 & 08.A0 bootloader
4. GPRS auto detach after each session
5. "Voice Message" under "Multimedia"
6. IM with profiles for AIM/ICQ/Yahoo
7. Store up to 50 numbers for received/dialed call
8. Use ACR firmware for L7 (should not have "vodafone live" any more)

For change logs of YuetMod v1.7 and older versions, read [YuetMod v1.7]

For screenshots, look at [v1.8 screenshots]

This MP will NOT lock your phone to any network. You can flash it no matter your phone is locked or unlocked, but it won't unlock your locked phone.

By downloading this MP file or re-posting any part of this article, you agree to the followings:
1. I am not responsible for any damage to your phone, so use it at your own risk.
2. You do not use this MonsterPack to get profit.
3. You do not provide direct download of the files. Instead, you must link to this webpage for downloading files.

v1.8 is a full-flash MP, so you can flash it directly. Download the 2 rar files, put them in the same folder, then decompress the first one. The unrar program will combine the 2 parts and produce the SHX flash file.

YuetMod v1.8:
V360/V360I/V360v (09.02/08.D0/08.A0 bootloader) Download: 2 rar files
V360/V360I/V360v (08.A2 bootloader) Download: 1 rar files

L7 Download: 2 rar files
(06/10/2006 updated. tested successfully by Shahar. thanks!)

L7 Users, please read
For L7 users, you may want to fallback to the original key mapping. You can write this 005B-0001 seem file into your phone to get back the original key mapping. (This seem file works for V360 as well.)
Download 005B-0001 seem file: [filecloud] [mofile]

For those who want to change phone model from V360 to L7, please upload the following seem 0117_0001. Read my seem edit guide if you are not sure how to upload.
Download 0117_0001 seem file:[filecloud]

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Skin edit trick - caller photo

Skin edit trick
Adjust coordinate of caller photo
I think this trick is already well known. You can edit the skin .SKI file to adjust the dimension/coordinate of the displayed caller photo when there is incoming calls.

Tools you need:
TextWrangler for Mac or UltraEdit for PC


1. download the .ski file (i.e. from your phone to your computer.

2. make a backup of the file, then open it using the text editor (TextWrangler or UltraEdit).

3. in the ski file, look for the 4 lines similar to the followings.
1 478 2 82 173 107
1 479 48 113 127 192
1 480 2 108 173 197
1 481 5 84 170 105

- The first 2 columns (i.e. 1 478) are the ID of the items, so you must not change them. The 3rd to 6th columns define the coordinate of the item. 3rd & 4th define the top-left corner of the rectangle, while 5th & 6th define the bottom-right corner.
- 1st line (1 478) defines the coordinates of the background of caller title
- 2nd line (1 479) defines the coordinates of the photo of the caller
- 3rd line (1 480) defines the coordinates of the background of caller photo
- 4th line (1 481) defines the coordinates of the title of the caller

4. you can adjust the coordinates to whatever you want. The following setting is just for your reference. This setting is used in the skins of my YuetMod MPs. Try it to see the difference. It will display big caller photo. You may need to adjust them to fit your skin.

1 478 2 17 173 37
1 479 4 37 170 196
1 480 2 37 173 197
1 481 5 17 170 36

5. after you have changed the coordinates, save the ski file and upload it back to your phone. It is done!

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