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News: It is reported that iTunes 9 is compatible with jailbroked iPhones... Now I got an iPhone 3GS. I will be posting something about it...

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

How to revive your phone

A summary on how to revive V360/L7 from software errors
I just revived my phone from a quite severe condition. My phone was detected "unknown device" & "USB device malfunctioned" by Windows. I have to testpoint the phone to bring it to life again. (It is not free, I spent $10 for the torx screw drivers set.) I think I have bricked my phone for enough times, so I would like to write this summary for reviving the phone from different scenarios. This summary is based on my experience with my V360. I think it should also apply for L7 (08.D0 R4513) as well.

Scenario & solution

Scenario 1: Once power on, the phone is always in bootloader mode showing "Code corrupted", "RDL SIG ERR" or "PH SIG ERR".
Solution: Flash your phone again to a compatible and working Monster pack (MP) using RSD Lite.

Scenario 2: Once power on, the phone is always in bootloader mode showing "MEM_MAP BLANK" or other errors. You can't flash any MP using RSD Lite.
Solution: Flash your phone again to a compatible and working MP using P2K Easy Tool v3.9.

Scenario 3: You can't power on your phone. It stays in the black screen. Your phone is not detected by RSD Lite.
Solution: Take off battery, press & hold * and # keys, then put back battery. If the phone can go into bootloader screen, flash to a compatible and working MP using P2K Easy Tool v3.9.

Scenario 4: The phone boots into a white screen. It is not detected by RSD Lite.
Solution: Take off battery, press & hold * and # keys, then put back battery. If the phone can go into bootloader screen, flash to a compatible and working MP using P2K Easy Tool v3.9.

Scenario 5: You can't power on your phone. It stays in the black screen. Your phone is not detected by RSD Lite. It is detected "unknown device" & "USB device malfunctioned" by Windows. You can't get into bootloader mode by all means.
Solution: Steps:
1) testpoint your phone to get it detected as s blank neptune LTE2, then release the testpoint;
2) use P2K easy tool v3.9 to repair PDS;
3) testpoint your phone again to get it detected as s blank neptune LTE2, then release the testpoint;
4) flash to a compatible and working MP using P2K Easy Tool v3.9.

Scenario 6: You can't power on your phone. It stays in the black screen. Your phone is detected as "S Blank Neptune LTE2" by RSD Lite.
Solution: Repair "S Blank Neptune LTE2".

Let me know your solution if you have encountered other scenario.

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Forum & Community

The forum is ready, & Romanian Blog is under construction
As suggested by many of you, I have created a community forum to make it easier for our discussions, Q&A, sharing of knowledge and having a lot of fun!

The forum is at

Furthermore, the Romanian blog is at is created. Metallus, Coccolino_dbro and their friends will help to translate all English Yuet Blog articles to Romanian in this Blog. Let's support them, my Romanian friends! Send me an email if you also want to take part in this project.

Wish all the translators good luck and let's have a lot of fun!

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bit manipulation using opcodes

How to update a bit using opcode
This guide will show you how to manipulate bits in SEEM. Before you read on, you must have already read this guide about motorola opcode. As you can see from the "motorola opcode" guide, we can only read/write bytes, but not bits. We have to do some calculation, in order to change only the bits we want to change.

I think the best way to explain it is by example. Let's say we want to do the following seem edit:

option to switch storage device (discovered by Yuet)
SEEM 0032-0001 offset 9F bit 3:
on = switch to phone memory/memory card directly in list, java apps will be installed in card when "install new apps"
off = press menu key to see "switch storage device" option, will prompt to select storage device when "install new apps"


1. to get the value of the offset 9F in SEEM 0032-0001, we use the following opcode:

2. The value we get is "c8", which is a hex value. It is 200 in dec value. We try to decode "200" using this formula:
200 = bit0 x 1 + bit1 x 2 + bit2 x 4 + bit3 x 8 + bit4 x 16 + bit5 x 32 + bit6 x 64 + bit7 x 128

What we get is:
200 = 0 x 1 + 0 x 2 + 0 x 4 + 1 x 8 + 0 x 16 + 0 x 32 + 1 x 64 + 1 x 128

so we can see in this offset, bit 3, 6 & 7 are on. In this example, we want to turn off bit 3 to enable the "switch storage device" option, so we change value of bit3 to 0 in the formula. We get:
0 x 1 + 0 x 2 + 0 x 4 + 0 x 8 + 0 x 16 + 0 x 32 + 1 x 64 + 1 x 128 = 192

192 is the value we are going to write to the offset 9F.

3. We write the value 192 to offset 9F in SEEM 0032-0001 using the following opcode:

4. Reboot the phone using opcode 34, and it is done.

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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Useful opcodes

Useful opcodes
In this post I will write down those opcodes which I find useful. To understand motorola opcode, please read my guide - Motorola Opcode.

[menu] = Menu key
[OK] = Right soft key "OK"

Before you can key in opcodes:
You must key "[menu] 0 4 8 2 6 3 *" at home screen to enter opcode screen first.

After the opcodes are executed:
If you updated the seem using opcode, you should key "34 [OK]" in opcode screen to restart the phone.

The followings are the opcodes:

Change Camera Key
to Voice Key: 47*91*1*31*1*043 [OK]
to Camera Key: 47*91*1*31*1*063 [OK]

Change Headset Key
to original headset key: 47*91*1*51*1*051
to Right key: 47*91*1*51*1*047

Change Video format
to 3gp: 47*74*1*465*1*001 [OK]
to mp4: 47*74*1*465*1*003 [OK]

Swap to ring style when press & hold # key
to soft: 47*74*1*493*1*001 [OK]
to vibrate: 47*74*1*493*1*002 [OK]
to vibe then ring: 47*74*1*493*1*003 [OK]
to silent: 47*74*1*493*1*004 [OK]
to vibe & ring: 47*74*1*493*1*005 [OK]

USB charging option
enable: 47*74*1*519*1*001 [OK]
disable: 47*74*1*519*1*000 [OK]

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Motorola Opcode

Understand Motorola Opcode
Like many of you, I was not paying much attention to the motorola opcodes, until recently I find the opcodes can be quite handy. This post will show you how to use the motorola opcodes. It is not that difficult if you know how to convert between Decimal (Dec) & Hexadecimal (Hex) values. Opcodes can be used to read & write SEEM, and restart phone, using your phone instead of the computer.

[menu] = Menu key
[OK] = Right soft key "OK"

To get to the OpCode screen, press the following keys in sequence & quickly:
[menu] 0 4 8 2 6 3 *

If you can't get the OpCode screen, maybe it is not enabled in your phone. To enable Opcode Menu, do the following seem edit: (don't know seem edit? read this guide.)
SEEM 0032 offset 36 bit 4: (set on)

How to enter opcodes:
1. key "[menu] 0 4 8 2 6 3 *" to enter opcode screen
2. key opcode string, such as 32*91*1*31*1
3. press right soft key [OK]

Major Opcodes:
32 - read seem
47 - write seem
34 - restart

Opcode Syntax:

Restart phone:
34 [OK]

Read seem:

Example: 32*91*1*31*1
This opcode reads Hex value from offset 1F in SEEM 0005B-0001.
[Opcode] 32 = SEEM reading opcode
[field1] 91 = seem ID in Dec value. (91 is 005B, 50 is 0032)
[field2] 1 = seem record number in Dec value. (1 = 0001, 10 = 000A)
[field3] 31 = offset in Dec value. (31 = offset 1F)
[field4] 1 = number of bytes to read (1 means reading only offset 2F, 2 means reading offsets 2F & 30, etc.) If you put 0 for both field3 & field4, it will read all offsets in the seem record.

Write seem:

Example: 47*91*1*31*1*043
This opcode writes Hex value 2B to offset 1F in SEEM 0005B-0001.
[Opcode] 47 = SEEM writing opcode
[field1] 91 = seem ID in Dec value. (91 is 005B, 50 is 0032)
[field2] 1 = seem record number in Dec value. (1 = 0001, 10 = 000A)
[field3] 31 = offset in Dec value. (31 = offset 1F)
[field4] 1 = number of bytes to read (1 means reading only offset 2F, 2 means reading offsets 2F & 30, etc.)
[field5] 043 = value to write in Dec value, must be block of 3 digit. If you put 2 for field4, you should put 2 blocks in this field. For example, 043043 (043 = writing Hex 2B to the offset)

F1: 0 means successful, 1 failed.
F2(d): the hex value of the specified offset(s) (For seem reading only)

How to convert Dec value to bits:
The formula:
Dec value = bit0 x 1 + bit1 x 2 + bit2 x 4 + bit3 x 8 + bit4 x 16 + bit5 x 32 + bit6 x 64 + bit7 x 128
(bit value is either 0 or 1.)

If you don't understand, don't worry. I will show you some useful opcodes in coming posts.

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