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News: It is reported that iTunes 9 is compatible with jailbroked iPhones... Now I got an iPhone 3GS. I will be posting something about it...

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Create custom iPhone ringtones

How to create custom ringtones for your iPhone

Follow these steps you can create ringtones for your iPhone for free.

1.  Check your iTunes setting by clicking menu iTunes --> Preferences --> General --> Importing setting.  Make sure the "Import Using" is set to "AAC Encoder".

2.  Select the song in iTunes, control + click (or right click) the song and select "Get Info".  Select "Option" tab, then input the "Start time" and "Stop time", and check both checkboxes.  "Start time" & "Stop time" will be start time and end time of the ringtone you want to create.  The length of the ringtone should be within 30 seconds.

3.  Close "Get Info" window, select the song and select "Convert Selection to AAC." from the "Advanced" menu.  A new trimmed copy of song will be created in iTunes.

4.  Drag the new song to desktop and delete the one in iTunes.

5.  Rename the song in desktop from .m4a to .m4r.  After that, drag the song back to iTunes library.  You should find the song in Ringtons section.

6.  Now you can sync your iPhone and the new rigntone will be available in your iPhone.

(I tested these steps using iTunes 8 on Mac OS X leopard, and my iPhone is 3GS with OS 3.0.   The steps using iTunes on Windows should be similar.)

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Useful information about iPhone

iPhone useful information
Here is some useful information about iPhone.

iPhone "root" and "mobile" user account password

on my iPhone 3GS, the passwords are:
The password for root is "alpine"
The "mobile" user accounts password is "alpine"

on older iPhones, the passwords might be:
The password for root is "alpine"
The "mobile" user accounts password is "dottie"

I suggest you to change the passwords.

How to capture iPhone screen shots

I was just about to search for any apps to capture screen shots, then I found iPhone already have this feature.

Just press the "home" button and the "power/sleep" button at the same time, after a "click" sound, a capture of your screen is in your photos' camera roll.

Very nice! Should also work on iPod Touch. Try it.

iPhone folders


Photos/Videos (camera roll):

Where is iPhone Backups

iTunes makes backup of your iPhone automatically.

Where Backups are stored

iTunes places the backup files in the following places:

On a Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/

On Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\(username)\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

On Windows Vista: \Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

Since iTunes only keeps one backup per device, you should save a copy of the backup in other places.

Putting Iphone/Ipod Touch into DFU mode

Enter DFU mode

Here's how to enter DFU mode with the Iphone/Ipod Touch:

1. Fully turn off your Iphone/Itouch. Make sure it's plugged in into your PC/Mac if you want to flash something (which you probably want to).

2. Hold down the home button, then hold down the power button without releasing the home button.

3. When you see the Apple logo, release the power button, but still hold down your home button.

4. When you see a white screen, you are in DFU mode.

This could be handy if your Iphone/Itouch fails a flash.

iPhone troubleshooting - stuck at white screen

First time encountered this problem. I used up the iPhone battery and tried to charge it, but later I found it was stuck at a white screen. Cannot turn on or off.

The solution I found:

To reset iPhone, press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least 10 seconds. During this time, a red "power off" slider may appear and the screen may go black, but do not release Sleep/Wake and Home buttons until the Apple logo appears.

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Thursday, August 06, 2009

iPhone SSH server & client

Set up iPhone SSH server & client

(This guide is for jailbroken iPhones only)

After jailbroke my iPhone 3GS, the first thing I want to do is to set up SSH server and client in my iPhone. These are the steps how I did it.

Packages you need. Get them and install them by Cydia:
ToggleSSH (Optional)

After install the above packages, reboot the iPhone. You will have 2 icons in iPhone screen. One icon "Terminal" for MobileTerminal, and the other for "Toggle SSH". OpenSSH and BigbossHackerTools are console packages, so you won't find any icon for them.

Using iPhone as SSH client:
If u are on cellular network, You need to enable internet tethering in iPhone to get an Internet IP, and try using safari to open a website if u can't connect to ssh host. It's not necessary if you are on wifi.
1. Tap "Terminal" icon in iPhone
2. use command ssh or sftp to connect to your SSH servers.

Using iPhone as SSH server:

After installing OpenSSH, SSH server should be automatically ON. U can use Toggle SSH to turn it on & off. All you need now is to find the IP of your iPhone, then make a ssh connection to the IP.

Using iPhone as SSH server in WIFI network:

Your SSH client and the iPhone must be in the same WIFI network.
To find the IP, in iPhone, go to Settings - Wi-Fi, tap the WiFi network to find the IP.

Using iPhone as SSH server in cellular network:

You must enable internet tethering in iPhone (through USB or Bluetooth) and connect your SSH client device to the iPhone shared network through USB or Bluetooth.

To turn on internet tethering, in iPhone, go to Settings - Network - internet tethering to turn it on.

To find the IP, tap "Terminal" and run command "ifconfig", the IP of the en1 interface will be the IP you need.

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Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Jailbreak iPhone 3GS with purplera1n

Jailbreak my iPhone 3GS with purplera1n

I jailbroke my iPhone 3GS three weeks after I got it. It is so easy. These are the steps:

1. Download purplera1n at Make sure you have iTunes or later.

2. Unzip the file, and open the “purplera1n” app. A small window with "make it ra1n" button is shown.

3. Connect iPhone 3GS to computer via USB. Click “make it ra1n” button.

4. Wait until iPhone rebooted into Home screen.
(If iTunes complains of your iPhone being in recovery mode, just close it)

5. Find the newly installed “Freeze” application in iPhone screen and tap it. It will install the Cydia jailbreak applications store. Tap “Install Cydia” button to install Cydia.

6. Once Cydia is installed, reboot the iPhone 3GS. Then open Cydia, choose who you are (user/hacker/developer) and perform a “Complete Update”.

Browsing Cydia store now.

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